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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. This I will need a log for, more info in my signature below (My signature has spoilers to separate it into sections and sub-sections)
  2. I'm afraid I don't see anything telling, though you appear to be edging a bit close to your max ram allocation. Luckily you don't have many mods so it should be easy to take them out one by one until the crash stops occurring.
  3. Did you disable the splash screen? If so please re-enable it and try again, I don't think it will change anything noticeably but it should put a bit more info right at the beginning of the log.
  4. They are JVM error reports coming out of Java or an OS-specific library it depends on. In this case it looks like screwy intel graphics drivers.
  5. Are there any files in your .minecraft folder that look like hs_err_XXXXX.log?
  6. Could you delete your logs folder, and get the game to crash again?
  7. I don't see anything related to a crash in the log, when you say crash is it bringing the launcher back up or is it just freezing?
  8. Try using GitHub's Gist Service to post the log, it requires a free GitHub account but has a much higher filesize limit.
  9. Saying it was a last resort was a bit dramatic on my part, better phrased would be "If the ad link works, please use it and support what Forge does. If the ad links are completely broken for you, use the circle i to not let broken pages stand between you and enjoying Forge". Yes this is a relatively new issue, Google is flagging all downloads from Forge's servers as Potentially Unwanted, you can recover the download if you go to Chrome's download manager (ctrl + J) and select "Keep Dangerous File".
  10. Usually it's a browser plugin that you would have installed, though I don't know of one that would stop the whole adfocus page loading. If the circle i didn't work could you explain what happened when you clicked it?
  11. Forge is the most popular modding framework for Minecraft, but it just leverages options available in Mojang's official launcher to get the ball rolling.
  12. I can't say for certain as I've never seen a mod be disabled before, but check the config folder.
  13. Please read the "Logs" section of my signature below and provide the appropriate log in the appropriate manner.
  14. Forge is not a launcher, all it does is install itself into Mojang's Official launcher as an available "Minecraft Version". Where did you read that?
  15. Yeah that's the correct site for that particular mod, but for other mods in general I would like you to take a look at the links in the bottom of my signature.
  16. You went into the "All Versions" section but did you click the little circle i next to the installer link? That doesn't go to adfocus. Also can I ask where you're getting your mods from?
  17. Have you made sure background services aren't eating up your ram?
  18. This isn't a school computer, is it? It sounds like your running an anti-virus or ad-blocker that's messing with things. If you continue to have this issue you can look in the "All Versions" list and click the i next to the one you want to download to bypass the ads page, do note that we don't recommend this unless you don't have another option because the ads keep the servers running.
  19. Are you fine with running the game without Optifine or do you insist on having it?
  20. How much ram do you have physically in your system?
  21. Have you allowed it to run for a bit or do you close it as soon as Windows says it's Not Responding?
  22. What other programs do you have running and how many mods do you have?
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