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Everything posted by jredfox

  1. it's looking for an xml file which doesn't exist anywhere except online. How do I setup a workspace where it looks for the file offline I can download the .xml file? If you ask me it's bad practice to be always online since what if forge just happens to not have the file anymore and your workspace only looks for that file? yes I am online now but, for days where I can't be online besides my phone this is needed.
  2. the point of adding the method back has to be done with forge since mods have to override it when necessary that's the only part I was worried about.
  3. I like nei and older render I am porting older render code. Dynamic scaling will be an option eventually but, till everything else is done I am not even going to consider it especially since in the items it would be barley see able unless I increased the scale and developed my own dynamic scaling. 99% of entities didn't override the method anyways for the shadow size meaning it's going to work most of the time entity.height/2 to get it's size. The code is ported from nei and older versions using their equations so I am confident that it won't break and if a giant massive mob shows up I like to see it render. Anyways looking at the Render.class I don't see why they removed it the entire part when rendering shadows is gone seems stupid to not have that anymore since it was part of the equation for rendering and now it's completely gone.
  4. I know the fields are not the same the dragon render is 4.0 in 1.7.10 and 0.5 in the render manager. What am I suppose to do?\ Also the entity dragon is the same size as a blaze so this is not reliable for what I needed the shadow sizes on based on 1.7.10 getShadowSize() [17:13:42] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.EvilNotch.lib.minecraft.proxy.ClientProxy:onLoadComplete:105]: EntityBlaze,0.5 [17:13:42] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.EvilNotch.lib.minecraft.proxy.ClientProxy:onLoadComplete:105]: EntityDragon,0.5 float scale = 0.4375F; if(EntityUtil.getShadowSize(entity) > 1.5) scale = 0.1F; where the scale for rendering the entities in the item block mob spawner would become smaller
  5. because nei render code for mob spawners goes based upon shadow size to adjust the scale size for bigger entities without the new dynamic scaling that I don't entirely agree with or like.
  6. Ok first off if I cache the sizes is it the same as entity.getShadowSize() in versions <= 1.7.10? If it is how am I suppose to support the depreciated version which fires after post init on load complete then? I prefer to have everything added depreciated or not. I need this code for rendering entities and scaling them based on their shadow size in item blocks with mob spawners
  7. Issue isn't solved even with the passenger packets sometimes the player still refuses to teleport to the new location even after I dismounted riding entities
  8. if you looking for the portal block in your inventory try using setblock since there may be no itemblock for the portal anymore locate your latest log in your server folder then post a link after pasting it to pastebin.com. hint control+a control+c you copied the entire log file
  9. Edit Not Solved: https://github.com/jredfox/evilnotchlib/blob/master/src/main/java/com/EvilNotch/lib/minecraft/EntityUtil.java#L867
  10. yeah I don't know when I should clear the cache since they don't have to be stored in your inventory to view. Just every so often and keep it as a weak hashmap?
  11. I will try it your way first but, in the future might decide the other way as I am not storing entities on the client side for translations
  12. create it once then send a packet to the server saying this is it's new name? If I do that then it would update it for everybody else looking into a chest? What am I only suppose to change the itemstack's nbt on client side? I am confused on the process on what to do here
  13. I guess I could make a system to define sub types unlocalized name based on nbt. As creating an entity on the client every tick for just a display name is not optional. Thanks anyways. I am going to have to look at nbt as paths rather then the current setup. Re-create my NBTPathAPI and maybe learn recursion
  14. Server fetches unlocalized name then client translates it later sorry I wasn't clear upon that. How do you get the entity unloclalized name if there is a way? Yeah I know no hacks are needed would it make you happy if I used EntityList? Changed post up for you
  15. Where can I get an unlocalized name of the entity I tried a little something here and works if it's one entity per class but, it breaks(grabs wrong unlocalized name) with the chicken mod found here: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/chickens Code: public String getEntityUnlocalizedName(NBTTagCompound data, World w) { ResourceLocation loc = new ResourceLocation(data.getString("id")); Entity e; String s = "entity." + EntityList.getEntityString(EntityList.createEntityFromNBT(data, w)) + ".name"; return s; } The itemstack which I send in has all the right data it needs for a water chicken yet it gives the deafult chickens:chicken unlocalized name. So the getUnlocalized() name should be fetched on the server side so the client can translate it later. The name is stored inside of an itemstack.
  16. cannot as it doesn't work with modded blocks. my mod supports any block with the instanceof tile entity spawner on server side I am trying to fix client sync here. I can't do that since the asm is throwing an error of blockpos not found during runtime. I need to know what I am doing wrong?
  17. packets could take 100ms+ over the network that's the equivalent to 2-5 ticks event needs to happen exactly when the client does their method. No delay is acceptable or it renders wrong. for example in silkspawners placing a spawner with your idea would resault in 0.2-0.5+seconds of rendering pig I need it to render creeper instantly if it's a creeper. Plus this is what vanilla already does and I am trying to avoid it need a client sync to happen instantly when it has the data which is the same tick it places it What I need to know is why it can't find the block pos class? the code worked for replacing every single other method except for the itemstack class
  18. for client side particles and tile entity render sync so it doesn't render wrong for the first couple ticks. Also it's a nice event to have that I want implemented packets are too slow already tried sync needs to happen when the client thinks it should If I switched my asm to ItemBlock class it would work since BlockPos by then is loaded but, forge had their method there for a reason because then modders could accidentally override forge and block place event would never fire. So they do it on the itemstack level and that's also what I would like to do.
  19. So I got the I replaced the method for ItemStack#onItemUse() but, it appears that it is refusing to load the blockpos class or something. New Method: https://pastebin.com/fWSaQbfK Repository: https://github.com/jredfox/evilnotchlib/blob/master/src/main/java/com/EvilNotch/lib/asm/Transformer.java Why do I need asm to fire a forge event: because forge doesn't fire a block place event for client side and my mod silkspawners needs it but, in the past I was replacing the block the improper way rather then patching a class to fire for every block placement. So no ASM isn't an option since said forge event doesn't exist for the client side so I made one. I don't understand the error since the class blockpos is already in the code to begin with proper imports. I tried manually loading the class before doing anything else both the ob and deob class for ob and it didn't work same error
  20. has nothing to do with the code itself of my library. I found out what the issue is: the issue is I was naming the same package and class name of an already existing class and somehow that loaded chunks and then blamed my mod container for it for the PlayerList.class. So I don't know what happened why it's doing it but, take the PlayerList decompiled out for the mdk asm and it no longer appears to printline my mod for chunk loading?
  21. yeah but, again I have no code with worldgen or chunk loading code. Is this a bug on my part or is there something wrong with forge then blames my mod. I suppose I could trace it but, I don't see anything yet that would do with my code? Maybe it just blames the last called mod container rather then seeing the actual culprit for the chunk load?
  22. I have no worldgen code whatsoever it just randomly spams my mod loaded a chunk when clearly I don't call it myself. It seems to happen in the nether only?
  23. My mod doesn't add any world gen I commented out both my event handlers on tick and I was still getting that error message when loading a new chunk in the nether. I also don't have any chunk events nor do I manually load any chunks with the exception of an in game command that doesn't even execute when the issue occurs since I never ran that command. I do edit some methods with asm but, again they have nothing to do with chunks. I also disabled my ASM , forge Tick Events and it was still having the same errors output: [23:32:24] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Evil Notch Lib loaded a new chunk (93, 43 Dimension: -1) during chunk population, causing cascading worldgen lag. Please report this to the mod's issue tracker. This log can be disabled in the Forge config. Here is my repository: https://github.com/jredfox/evilnotchlib
  24. Alter PlayerList.getPlayerNBT() or Alter NetworkDispatcher. Already tested with altering the player list class method works great I have fixed said issue.
  25. my thing doesn't send or receive any mojang assets simply edits a base64 string and nessary send packets to the clients that your skin/cape has changed. Anyways I will be looking into the dimension with the NetworkDispatcher to alter the dimid
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