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Everything posted by MDW01

  1. Then start by removing CustomNPCs and if that doesn't fix it continue by removing the rest of the mods from the list I gave you until it works.
  2. Use Java 8 you seem to be using Java 9.
  3. If you had read the error you would have seen manually place server jar to skip download. You will need to download a vanilla Minecraft server to that directory and then run Forge installer.
  4. Then you'll need to figure out which mods depend on it and remove those as well.
  5. This is something that developers have to implement into their mods. Yes, forge will mark the mods if they have a new version but if the mod developer doesn't have the version checker implemented in their mod forge won't know if there is an update available. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gettingstarted/autoupdate/
  6. If you look at the log you'll see most of your mods have errored out. You can either fix these errors yourself or remove the offending mods. Normally I would help if it were one or two mods but you'll have a hard time finding someone to fix this many errors for you.
  7. The heart next to the post.
  8. Liking posts are always appreciated.
  9. It depends on what the mod does. But you need all mods on both sides for things to work smoothly.
  10. Well, there's your problem you need the mod in both places.
  11. Did you remove the mod I told you to remove?
  12. Your src folder is empty. Github is easier to use than one drive so if you cant get it to work you're doing something wrong.
  13. Yea there really isn't much I can do without a crash report then.
  14. That is for you to figure out on your own.
  15. Try launching Minecraft without forge to see if the issue persists.
  16. Yes, but that still doesn't solve the crashing.
  17. Could you post the full log?
  18. Sorry about that I guess I misread the program arguments you had entered in the video. I still don't think the authentication errors have anything to do with your issues but to rule that out for sure could you try to launch Minecraft in vanilla without forge?
  19. Curse Forge is pretty much the only one. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods
  20. @DaemonUmbra You are incorrect. You shouldn't try to help someone if you don't understand the topic and then remove your posts saying you need to do more research. Just don't post in the first place. What he is asking is how he can change the username in his dev workspace instead of having player###. He is not asking how to change the username of players playing the mod or how to make it so he can access an online server from his dev workspace which would require a password. As for setting the username I completely forgot that forge uses runClient instead of run. runClient { if (project.hasProperty("appArgs")) { args Eval.me(appArgs) } } Hope this helped.
  21. You are changing the value of experimental flags which may be causing your issue. Also who told you to change those options because most people who know how to change Javas garbage collector settings themselves would be able to diagnose an issue like this by themselves. If you want to change the amount of ram just use -Xmx#G -Xmx1G Replace the # with the amount of ram you want to use but I don't recommend using more than 1/4th of the ram in your computer for this.
  22. Could you post the forge installer logs?
  23. Could you also post your crash report? The log doesn't have a lot of details about the crash itself?
  24. Have you made sure your firewall or antivirus software isn't blocking Java?
  25. Please post logs. This sounds more like a mod issue try removing mods until the issue goes away. Then contact that mod author and report this to them.
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