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Everything posted by zedblade

  1. Hello, in my mod the Client side work fine, but Server side crash when try to open a gui, the error: Follow the line 189 in "my_item" file: And this is the code of "myGuiHandler" file: The "myGui" file is a normal GUIScreen class object. Please i need HELP!!! ----------- Solution (thanks to diesieben07 and opssemnik): just using EntityPlayer.opengui(mod obj, gui id, x,y,z) function Thanks
  2. Hello, in my mod the Client side work fine, but Server side crash when try to open a gui, the error: Follow the line 189 in "my_item" file: And this is the code of "myGuiHandler" file: The "myGui" file is a normal GUIScreen class object. Please i need HELP!!! ---------------- Solution (thanks to diesieben07): just using EntityPlayer.opengui(mod obj, gui id, x,y,z) function Thanks
  3. How can enable to load also the Server-side class?
  4. I'm getting the following server crash when install my mod with the Forge version But in SSP work fine:
  5. Hello, I've exactly same problem, but even i put my source in src/common folder and when reobfuscate prompt says: == MCP 7.25 (data: 7.25, client: 1.4.6, server: 1.4.6) == # found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, ast yle, astyle config > Creating Retroguard config files == Reobfuscating client == > Cleaning reobf > Generating md5s > Packing jar > Reobfuscating jar > Extracting modified classes > Modified class found : xxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyy > Modified class found : xxxxxxx/zzzzzzzzzz > Outputted xxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyy to reobf\minecraft as xxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyy.class > Outputted xxxxxxx/zzzzzzzzzz to reobf\minecraft as xxxxxxx/zzzzzzzzzzi.class - Done in 83.33 seconds == Reobfuscating server == > Cleaning reobf > Generating md5s > Packing jar > Reobfuscating jar > Extracting modified classes - Done in 39.66 seconds in fact reobfuscated only two classes, but I've many more in my mod. why? please help.
  6. Hello, I need to animate the my block's texture but your link do not work. please help
  7. Hello, I'm developing a mod with 2 objects (1 Item, 1 block) and 2 very similar GUI. Now when i right-click on my block with my item in hand i open a GUI to save the position of the block into a tagCompound of my Item, and instead when i right-click with my item at any part i open another GUI totally similar to the previous GUI. The GUIs have 1 Title, 1 textfield and 2 buttons (OK and Cancel), this is the code: In a new world i use all my objects without problems but when i esc and re-load my world MC goes to crash, randomly but most of the times, when i try to open a GUI with my Item in hand: Sorry for my English but Please Help!
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