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Everything posted by Merthew

  1. Changed that and still broken.
  2. I made a tileentity that works after placing the block down, but when i reload the world, it stops working. Error log: Working on : BlockNetOut BlockNetIn BlockNetInX
  3. Oh, that is what it is called. No not using that, and the override worked.
  4. I tried doing something like that but i could not get it working, I may go back and work on it later when i feel a bit more motivated.
  5. No, i just don't want it to be bobbing beneath the screen the entire time. What would using animation/matrix entail?
  6. Is it possible to cancel the animation that occurs every time an item that is in either hand updates? I have nbt being saved to the item pretty much every tick it is in the inventory so, you never get to see the item. Just hoping for cosmetic reasons.
  7. Never mind, i got it to work by setting the nbt of the item to the server's world data and passing that through.
  8. Then what would be the better way to go about doing this?
  9. How would i get the server world reference, when i was doing that, it would read the number that had been added since the start of the session. not the total stored.
  10. I made a capability that i attached to the world. It stores an int and that is about it. I am trying to get that int for a gui overlay when you are holding a certain item. I have looked at passing a packet, however, the error i get is that there is no Gl reference in the thread. I understand that the Gl reference is only called when rendering. How would i go about doing this?
  11. Fixed it, had to have it run on the server. again, it was something dumb.
  12. This is how i create the arrow and fire it: EntityTippedArrow e = new EntityTippedArrow(world, pos.getX()+.5, pos.getY()+1, pos.getZ()+.5); e.motionX = (Math.random()*4)-2; e.motionZ = (Math.random()*4)-2; e.motionY = 1.0F; world.spawnEntity(e); The way the bow does it, it calls the shoot function, i also tried that but to no avail.
  13. there is a function called setDamage but that doesn't seem to have done anything.
  14. The arrows that i fire from my tileentiy don't actually do damage. Is there a way to fix this? Code File: In all honesty it is more than likely something obvious.
  15. Got it, instead of creating a new EntityArrow, i just needed to make a new EnitityTippedArrow. Because that makes sense.
  16. From that, do i need to create a custom entity to fire from?
  17. I want to be able to spawn an arrow at a certain postion from a tileentity, best way?
  18. Ah, thank you very much.
  19. What would be the best way to create an event that happens in the world. Like on the push of a button in a gui, cause a system of actions to occur for the next say ten seconds? Would i be easier to do this in the same tileentity or can i do it with a separate ticking entity?
  20. Ok, i actually fixed it this time using packets and stuff. Thanks
  21. That makes way more sense, thanks.
  22. Thank you both for your help.
  23. Fixed it, had to set the world to one hosted from the server. World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getIntegratedServer().getWorld(0);
  24. Should i send something to the server?
  25. Should be up now.
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