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Everything posted by Merthew

  1. Just wondering if there was any documentation to the events used in World world.playEvent(type,pos,data). type = 2005 is the bonemeal event and 2006 is the enderdragon fireball explode thing.
  2. Fixed it, just kind of removed the icon idea.. oh well. Thanks for you help and patience.
  3. So i need to register the tabs first right? How would one go about doing that?
  4. I want the gem_darkshard and the ingot_darkiron to be in the mainTab. In the code i have setCreativeTab(Main.mainTab) which is the same as the blockInit class. However, only the blocks are showing up in the creative tab.
  5. Basically my thought process at the moment. I still have no idea about the other one...
  6. I did not want the TabIcon items appearing in the creative tab, so i set the creative tab in the constructor to null. However, the gem_darkshard, and the ingot_darkiron have the creative tab set to mainTab.
  7. That was intentional, i don't want the tab icons appearing as actual items.
  8. I may have messed up. none of the items render in the inventory, but the blocks are fine in the world. Please Help GitHub: https://github.com/Merthew/MerthewMod
  9. Hey, thanks. I am still new to modding so just trying to play around with the code. Good to know that i don't have to use the interface.
  10. The item gem_darkshard is not showing up in the mainTab. Please help. https://github.com/Merthew/MerthewMod
  11. Never mind, i fixed it.
  12. Neither of the names in the file are registering in game, please help https://github.com/Merthew/MerthewMod/tree/master
  13. The custom fireball in the event handler, under util does not explode upon impact. I used the same code as in the fire talsmine and it worked there. please help. Code: https://github.com/Merthew/ModNameHere
  14. How would i check if a player has an empty hand? I am currently testing for if the Item in mainhand is air, but not being able to find what a compatible itemstack is for just 1 tile.air.
  15. Is there a way to add a cooldown to an item that can be used in hand? Such as a clock that changes the weather but needs to cooldown after each use.
  16. nevermind
  17. How would i send text to the chat?
  18. How would i run a console command like tp or summon from code?
  19. Are there any methods to change the weather? I have found the setRainStrength and setThunderStrength but they only reset the buildup to the rain. Thanks.
  20. well, now i feel dumb... thanks.
  21. The Clock Weather is not rendering. It's code is the exact same as my other custom items. Please help. Code: https://github.com/Merthew/ModNameHere
  22. For the sake of convenience, i put the spawnFireball method in the event handler class. How would i call that?
  23. Forgot to mention, 1.12.2
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