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Everything posted by Krevik
doesn't work
As up^. Entity class, weight, min, max. But the problem occurs also for mobs from another mods so I am not sure if the problem is inside my biome class
Hello! I am posting this problem once again. This time with github code. So basically the problem is spawn rates of mobs. Mobs that are spawned in huge amounts. Especially monsters (creatures also but spawn rates of creatures are a bit lower). That applies also to mobs from vanilla minecraft (like squids) or even mobs from another mods. Of course the problem is present also in all of my other custom biomes in my dimension. Here is github code. Thank you for your help!
but that wouldn't let me affect theirs motions.
so could you guide me what's wrong?
Yeah that was the problem, thank you!
@Mod.EventHandler public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent e) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(KathairisEventsHandler.class); } in the post init method of main mod class, but I don't think that matters cause another events in the same class are working
Okay so I was trying, but the events doesn't seems to be working. Forge version: 2747. Method: No word is fired in console so it looks like the event isn't fired. Also I have another events in the same class and another are working
THANKS! Thanks
Hello! I want to affect entities (items) that are dropped after block breaking with certain tool. I found only BlockBreakEvent which is called just before block is breaked so I cannot affect dropped items. What can I do? Is there some other event?
Hello! I want to add new potion effect that affects player view camera (like cracked screen). Is there another way to achieve such effect than shaders? If no, can someone link me to some good shaders tutorial from basics?
Tried and it didn't work. Tried puttin World.MAX_ENTITY_RADIUS in entity class, in main class pre init, post init, init methods. Tried setting it to both 12D and 120D. Also tried not using World, but DimensionManager.getWorld(). None of these worked Nothing changed. Also found out that the problem is only with hitting it with hand/item etc... There is no such problem with arrow. Arrow recognize hitboxes perfectly
Thank you so much jabelar! I think it should work, anyway will try it soon
Hi! I've got problem with mob hitboxes. Mob is really big. I set it size using setSize(48F,12F) so as you can see it's huge. Hitboxes shown ingame are ok, but there's problem with hitting it. The mob can be hit only by hitting it in the real center. Hitting borders even if they're in the hitbox range doesn't effect. Is there any way to fix it? https://imgur.com/pITIVs7
Animating code is in model class file. Try looking at ModelCow and ModelQuadruped. You will also need Entity class and Render class and of course you need to register it (like binding renderer to model and binding entity to model)
Also about resource location: tileEntityChest.setLootTable(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID + ":hub_chest.json"), new Random(world.getSeed()).nextLong()); shouldn't it be : tileEntityChest.setLootTable(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID + ":chests/hub_chest"), new Random(world.getSeed()).nextLong()); ? or just tileEntityChest.setLootTable(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID + ":hub_chest"), new Random(world.getSeed()).nextLong());
Putting loot can be also done without custom loot table. Do you must have loot table?
It depends on how are you generating your structure. If it's done using .nbt file (structure block) then you have to personally count blocks from the structure start to chest pos. Or less efficient way: you can make loop in loop in loop to check to check every block in your structure if it's chest block like: for(int x=0;x<=structure.getSize().getX();x++){ for(int y=0;y<=structure.getSize().getY();y++){ for(int z=0;z<=structure.getSize().getZ();z++){ BlockPos tmp = new BlockPos(structurePosIn.getX()+x,structurePosIn.getY()+y,structurePosIn.getZ()+z){ if(world.getTileEntity(tmp)!=null){ if(world.getTileEntity(tmp) instanceof TileEntityChest){ TileEntityChest chest = (TileEntityChest)world.getTileEntity(tmp); //fill this chest with loot } } } } } } But this is not recommended to use this cause you're adding unnecessary math. Better to personally check where's the chest pos.
https://i.imgur.com/ZpuIBSo.png It works perfect! Thank you so much null! Seems that you know something about noises. Could you give me some tips? E.g. how to operate density of these islands maybe?
Ahh you mean just change biome in this place? Great! Thanks will test it soon and tell you if it will be working!
I get something like that: https://i.imgur.com/OkOPOqJ.png . NOTHING Here's updated code: Basically as you said I removed checking biome method from generateChunk method to setBlocksInChunkIsland method to make it check biome for every single biome. I think that even if it would work I would still be getting cut-outs like on the first image. EDIT: With biome checking changed to Biome biome = world.getBiome(new BlockPos(x+k2,l2+upperScale,z+i3)); It still doesn't work
Hmm I think I understand what you've got on your mind, thanks, will try! Anyway I am not sure if it will work cause these non air block are generated exactly at the chunk border so the new chunk is just empty and has no floating stones to detect
maybe try looking at ItemBow how to consume items if they're in inventory and then just give player new item ?