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Everything posted by Dockstader

  1. Nvm it was a stupid question. Feel free to close this thread if thats possible.
  2. I meant with textures. Would i have to do that in the json file?
  3. Ok thank you, youve been so helpful. However, i have one more question, how would i do multiple universal buckets as it is under bucketfilled? I assume it has to do with nbt data?
  4. What gos in the first parameter for univeralbucket.getfilledbucket? Could you lead me to some documentation or reference as I have searched and havent been able to find much.
  5. Id like to stay in 1.11.2 for the time being but will update the next time i get an oppurtunity.
  6. I have searched the depths of the internet. All i need is a crafting recipe example including a filled universal bucket. GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.oily_obsidian_ingot),new Object[] {"OB ", " ", " ", 'O', ModItems.obsidian_ingot, 'B', UniversalBucket.getFilledBucket(IDK what goes here, ModFluids.FluidOil)}); Also I get an error at ModFluids.FluidOil
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