Clarification: When you switch between items, the item you used to hold goes down and the new item rises. When I update my item's damage it shows this effect. Is there a way around this?
I am working on something that updates an item every few ticks, and a problem I am running into is when you hold the item the item bobs up and down. Is there a way to change this? It would help me a lot!
If you've ever teleported in Minecraft you might have noticed the screen/chunks flash momentarily. I need to stealthily elevate the player 5 blocks without them knowing, but the screen flash gives it away. Is there a way I can stop this? It is in the same chunk.
So for a while I have been trying to get this damage-source to work and I figured out it was the world being remote that caused the problem.
I fixed that and now my new problem is the items are not being picked up and there is no sound coming from the entity when hurt or dead.
If anyone knows anything, help would be highly appreciated! Thanks:)