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Discult last won the day on February 17 2019

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  1. This has worked for me, cheers.
  2. Hello, I have setup a new laptop and I am trying to setup a dev environment for forge 1.18.2 but when I do it gets stuck on trying to get mappings it only checks in my /.gradle/caches/forge_gradle/bundled_repo/... local folder but does not full from the internet. Here is a copy of the build.gradle (it is just a fresh version from the forge site - 1.18.2-40.1.19) And here is the full error message
  3. It was a custom ID I applied to track if the model or entity was the same instance. I have fixed the problem by moving all the logic over to the entity and triggering it from the model.setupAnim method.
  4. THe Ars Nouveau mod seems to be the new issue it is loading Mixins for classes that can not be found e.g. the net.minecraft.tags.Tag class and the LocalPlayer class THe Ars Nouveau mod seems to be the new issue it is loading Mixins for classes that can not be found e.g. the net.minecraft.tags.Tag class and the LocalPlayer class Try a 1.18.1 server and check if it work.
  5. Hello, I am wanting to check that in the 1.18.* did they change the entity, renderer, model logic. I am asking because in my mod I an making a custom mob and it renders fine but I have assigned a ID to models and an ID to entities and I have noticed using the debug tools in intelij on a model.setupAnim method. the model is always ID 1 but the entity getting passed is entity with ID 1 and then the next resume when the method runs again it is entity with ID 2. and switches between for each resume, This leads me to think that the system now is 1 renderer and model for all entities of the same type e.g. 5 zombies is 5 entities but only 1 model and 1 render. in logic. Renderer Constructor: Entity Constructor: Model Constructor: How I am registering the entity: How I am registering the renderer:
  6. Could you not just wrap your attss.put method in a if statement ? e.g. if(slot == EquipmentSlotType.MAINHAND) { // DO your attss.put code here. } or even add it to your current if statement if (stack.hasTag() && slot == EquipmentSlotType.MAINHAND){ // Do Code }
  7. I have a skeleton animation structure that is Matrix values. I use these matrices to transform vertices on the mesh to make it animate. What I am trying to do now is transform a item by these matrices. I first provide the starting position of the item with normal xyz location and rotation. I then want to transform it by a bones animatedTransfrom(The matrix in its final calculated stage.) Can anyone provide me with help on this. I used to mod 1.12 which has the glMultiMatrix method but with latest opengl Context this is not optional so I am unsure how to apply it with the Minecraft MatrixStack system. Any help would be great. Regards, Discult
  8. Sorry to both anyone who comes across this I have figured out the issue... It seems minecraft now works in a 0.0F and 1.0F grid for the uv coords. so to achieve this I need to simply divide the pos I was looking by the overall image size. here is the method I made: so for the element I said about in my example in the original question I would need to do Again sorry for anyone this bothers. Regards, Discult.
  9. Hello, I am trying to call a blit method that will allow me to set the width and height of the area on the texture I am looking to get. e.g. I have a 256x256 texture. The element I am looking to get is at pos 0,0 and is 20 pixels in height and width but I want to rendering it with a width and height of 30. so it will appear bigger on the screen than what the texture file holds. I previously done it with this arrangement. But this does not render at all I have tried looking at the blit method in the GuiComponenet class. but I am unsure of what the values being passed are as they do not have the proper names. is anyone able to help me recreate the first method with this other way or point in in a direction I could go to un-obfuscate these variables. Regards, Discult
  10. Hello, I am looking for guidance on the best approach to creating a party system I already have the backbone and a system working with commands but I am looking to attach this to a ui(just finished making) so I am looking for advice on the best way to do this going forward, I assume packets will play a big part in the communication to so I can get access to EntityPlayerMP as I believe for the client its EntityClientPlayerMP, So I have a couple of functions that handle it all : createParty(EntityPlayerMP player); joinParty(EntityPlayerMP player, int inviteIdentifier); inviteParty(EntityPlayerMP sender, EntityPlayerMP invitedPlayer); Will I need to create different packets and messages for each of these ? if so my idea for the inviteParty is to send over the invitedPlayer uuid but how do I then receive the the player from the current Minecraft server? Any information will be appreciated. Regards, Discult
  11. Hello, in older version of forge it was a simple OpenGLHelper.useVBO(); check but i cant seem to find it, not in GLX, RenderSystem....., if anyone knows where or how i can do a check i would be very grateful. I see there is a ForgeVBOon Data FIxer but how to check if it is true? thanks
  12. Hello I am wondering how to package and syncing to client and server work in the 1.15 version of forge i have searched around the internet and seen some stuff about encode, decode and handler but how exacly are they used to send information to client and to server. Any links or information is greatly appreciated.
  13. I have figured this out you simple need to add "loader": "forge:obj" to the json file. Here is what mine looks like.
  14. Hello, I am just wondering how to make a obj item, mainly just wondering how to json file will be setup for this. Thank you.
  15. Hello, I am wondering what would be the best way to set the players default health. only two i can think of is a PlayerLoggedInEvent or EntityConstructing(not to sure about this) What would be the best method of doing this? Any answer is appreciated. Thank you.
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