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Everything posted by Discult

  1. hmm i have that but it doesn't rotate my model when the entity box rotates?
  2. Can you give a string of text of what it might look like pls
  3. Hello i am wondering where in the code the model is rotated depending where the entity is looking.
  4. Hello i am wondering how i would change the max Health from 1024 to a greater value. Thank you, Jordan
  5. I need to add things to onUpdate is this possible with capabilities
  6. I know the RenderPlayerEvent it is mainly the entity i need to use custom variables in my entity in order to do the anims and to check when a aim is complete and if it should switch anim or loop.
  7. Hello i created a model loader that loads models that allow joints so i can animate them in something like blender then export to mc the only problem is the entity is where i set the model as the entity is needing the model for all the animation variables to register and move the joins accordingly. what i am wondering is if there is a way to change the default player entity, model and renderer and replace with my custom version any help would be grateful. Thank you for your time.
  8. What I am looking for is how does forge or mc do the animations when left clicking for example is the item model pos set to whatever the arm pos is when the arm moves or is it a fixed anim for the model. Any help would be grateful, thank you.
  9. it is a small box that has to be rendered in front of the player that everyone can see.
  10. So i am wondering how i would go about doing this i am wanting to create and render a loot table whenever i kill a entity where the entity is. so would i have to check if the current entity is dead and if so spawn a new entity that is the loot table to is there another way to do this.
  11. Sorry what i mean is when you have the item in the hotbar at the bottom the screen screen the icon shows the obj item but i want it to show a texture instead how would i do that.
  12. does it work again if you break the block and place again. also what version of mc is this
  13. Hello i am wondering if it is possible to render a custom model using OBJ where the gui part was a normal texture and not the model
  14. So here it goes i am looking is there a way to change the mob model depending on the distance from the player and if so how would i do this. Thank you for anyone that helps.
  15. i mean i fixed the mod el it is suppose to be model and it isnt really a problem that is why it is in general just wondering if i can change the model location from block to item cause by default blockstates have you put it in block
  16. yea i already fixed the model thing and in the weapons it is
  17. Json: { "forge_marker": 1, "defaults": { "mod el": "saomod:item/weapon/starter/sword/starter_sword.obj" }, "variants": { "inventory": [{ "transform": "forge:default-item" }] } } Sword: Weapon:
  18. i have the model loading i am just wondering if i can change it to ask for the item folder instead of the block folder in the blockstate cause i am loading a obj model for the items so i have to do it in blockstate
  19. did you note state that you switch to a dev environment in a ide also im sure you can still edit the build.gradle in mcreator i think you just need to find where it is stored to do so if the makeObfSourceJar = false just add // in front of it, remove it or change it to true
  20. It is located in models/item/weapon/starter/sword/starter_sword.obj but with the blockstate setup it forces me to use block instead of item i am wondering if there is a way to fix this
  21. I am loading the model in a ModelRegistryEvent in my ClientProxy class: @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static void advanceLoaders() { OBJLoader.INSTANCE.addDomain(Reference.MODID); B3DLoader.INSTANCE.addDomain(Reference.MODID); } /* * Register Render Helper */ @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = Reference.MODID, value = Side.CLIENT) public static class RegistrationHandler { @SubscribeEvent public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event) { advanceLoaders(); SAOItems.registerRenders(); SAOBlocks.registerRenders(); } }
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