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Everything posted by TestingSubject002

  1. I have changed my Java version to 1.8 and setupDecompWorkspace worked. Thank you a lot. But when I have opened Idea, I have faced the following problem during sync: Is this okay? How can I fix this?
  2. I am 100% sure that you have to use Registry, but not Unlocalized name in your recipe file.
  3. I think I have found the possible problem. Look at the "pattern" section of your item. You should have 3 string there. Actually, I think that you should use "crafting_shapeless" instead of "crafting_shaped".
  4. Man, you should just post your code. I don't think that somebody will steal it or something else.
  5. If you had made a recipe as the documentation says it would have been working.
  6. Why don't you post your project on GitHub, let us find the problem and then delete the project from GitHub? Or, for example, you can post pieces of code you are not afraid to share.
  7. Gradle 5.0. I also changed "distributionUrl" property to "https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-5.0-bin.zip", because 2.14 version doesn't want to work with java 11.
  8. Models for entities are java classes. I'd recommend you to use modeling applications such as blockbench to create them. You can put them anywhere you want in your source code folder.
  9. I am using Forge 1.12.2, JDK 11, Gradle 5.0.
  10. This idea is actually cool one, but I have several entities activated at the same time and every entity has it's own blocks to patrol. I understood that using validate and invalidate function is not very bad idea - this model works fine.
  11. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum. Update your mod to the newest Forge version.
  12. I want to create an entity who patrols all these blocks and I have to save a list of all these blocks positions. I was trying to do this via @SubscribeEvent and in-block-class events, but I have understood that that's not what I need: Blocks are not placed by humans, they are spawning in the world. I thought that creating TileEntities which will add and remove themselves from the list automatically is a good idea.
  13. I have a TileEntity class and I need to somehow access all loaded TileEntities of this class. I know about world.loadedTileEntityList, but I have to use my TileEntities constantly and iterating through the list would be very slow. I have created a list which contains all these TileEntities, but I can't figure out from what function should I add and remove items from the list. Currently, I am using validate() and invalidate() function in TileEntities to do this, but not sure that this is the best solution.
  14. Thanks again.
  15. Another one stupid question. What is Entity Tracking? I am talking about "tracker" in EntityEntryBuilder.
  16. Thank you very much! It's working now!
  17. Well, I am stuck again. How to register entities using event? @SubscribeEvent public static void registerEntities(RegistryEvent<EntityEntry> event) { // ??? } Sorry for the waste of your time. Oh sorry. I have understood.
  18. Thanks. I'll try to fix.
  19. I am spawning entity through "/summon".
  20. Hello. I know that this problem is quite usual in this forum, but I still can't understand what am I doing wrong. I have encountered the problem that entity is not rendering. I have registered an entity, it's renderer and both are working (I have added logger.info to their constructor). My entity class is blank: constructor, and, actually, that's all. I have figured out that constructor of the entity is called on the server side only. Am I right? How to sync the entity to the client then? Sorry for my English.
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