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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hey. I'm having problems with gradle. I decided to create a new mod for playing with friends, a project, but with setupDecompWorkspace SKIPPED writes me all the things. After that I did getIntellijIDEAruns and as a result, he does not see the class and writes it "Class 'GradleStart' is in the default package" I am interested in two things. Why gradle everything skipped? And what's the problem with gradlestart?
  2. What? That help you with ninjabridging
  3. Not hacks... Look at the ninja bridge
  4. FastBridge. I did not find the source code and therefore used luyten
  5. 1. Mode 2. Duplicate 3. Forge
  6. I'm trying to copy a method from its code ... I don't need anything else.
  7. I have my project, classes, interfaces ... The decompiled class gave this code. What should I do with him ?!
  8. Here is information on how to get started. But I have a ready mod that I have decompiled and want to add to my code. In decompiled code, there are these functions ... I do not need to create a project
  9. To be honest, I do not understand how and what to do with it. Others talk about MCP Bot. You know, plugins are much easier
  10. I use it as a decompiler
  11. I decompiled the code through luyten and found it func_71410_x (). It causes an error. Can anyone say for what and how to fix it? Minecraft.func_71410_x();
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