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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hey. I'm having problems with gradle. I decided to create a new mod for playing with friends, a project, but with setupDecompWorkspace SKIPPED writes me all the things. After that I did getIntellijIDEAruns and as a result, he does not see the class and writes it "Class 'GradleStart' is in the default package" I am interested in two things. Why gradle everything skipped? And what's the problem with gradlestart?
  2. FastBridge. I did not find the source code and therefore used luyten
  3. I'm trying to copy a method from its code ... I don't need anything else.
  4. I have my project, classes, interfaces ... The decompiled class gave this code. What should I do with him ?!
  5. Here is information on how to get started. But I have a ready mod that I have decompiled and want to add to my code. In decompiled code, there are these functions ... I do not need to create a project
  6. To be honest, I do not understand how and what to do with it. Others talk about MCP Bot. You know, plugins are much easier
  7. I decompiled the code through luyten and found it func_71410_x (). It causes an error. Can anyone say for what and how to fix it? Minecraft.func_71410_x();
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