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Everything posted by xParadoxical_

  1. (I don't want to bump 4yo thread so I'm creating this one.) My mod is throwing an exception, but the line the exception is pointing to is an empty line with a } ending the if statement in my source code. Probably mod jar is obfuscated automatically, so I want to turn it off. Comment above suggests to paste such code to build.gradle after minecraft block: task deobfJar(type: Jar) { // Generate deobfuscated from sourceSets.main.output classifier = 'deobf' } task sourceJar(type: Jar) { // Generate sources from sourceSets.main.allSource classifier = 'sources' } tasks.build.dependsOn('sourceJar', 'deobfJar') artifacts { archives deobfJar archives sourceJar archives jar } However, IntelliJ shows the error "Cannot infer argument type", and gradlew b throws a MissingPropertyException: Could not find property '?' on task ':deobfJar'. How to fix it?
  2. How can I add clientside command in 1.13.2? CommandBase and ClientCommandHandler do not exist anymore. I have seen that new thing called Brigadier, but I don't know what to implement or where can I register commands. Additionally it looks like commands are moved completely to the server side. Now the command system looks much more complicated
  3. Ahhh, thank you, I forgot about MDK examples! FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus().addListener(this::someMethod); /eot
  4. I'm using IntelliJ Idea, so I don't know how to import project in eclipse, but after you did gradlew eclipse it places some eclipse project artifacts in your folder, there should be way to import it.
  5. I want to use FMLClientSetupEvent in my mod, mainly because I'm registering events class, but @EventHandler annotation doesn't exist anymore. How to register this event? Do I have to use static constructors now?
  6. setupDecompWorkspace doesn't exist anymore. For IntelliJ Idea just import the project by importing gradlew.build, and for Eclipse run gradlew eclipse.
  7. So, as the title says, I'm inserting my own ChannelHandler (which extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter) into Minecraft.getMinecraft().getNetHandler().getNetworkManager().channel().pipeline(), but my handler's channelRead function never gets executed. I checked in minecraft code that I can get the proper channel (where are all of minecraft's ChannelHandlers) using method above, but apparently I can't. I don't know what am I doing wrong. My main goal is to create a clientside mod that detects when the client doesn't get any packets from the server - that is, when a network lag occurs. (I'm currently writing it in my mod where I have all of my useful things - later I'll move it out to a separate mod.) Code: - Main mod class: -LagEventHandlers: -LagDetectorChannelHandler:
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