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Everything posted by Dr.Nickenstein

  1. Yes: https://github.com/DaRealTurtyWurty/1.15-Tut-Mod/tree/master/src/main/java/com/turtywurty/tutorialmod
  2. So what should I do now?
  3. Well I actually saw a github from 1.15 of a guy who makes tutorials, and tried to understand that, but I do not entirely.
  4. It was findRecipeByType, right?
  5. Uhm... Not that I remember ? What was it?
  6. what was the method to get the matching recipe?
  7. Ok so let's say that I know that 0 = input and 1 = output. What should I say in the method?
  8. So I shouldn't create a variable or anything, I just need to keep it in my mind?
  9. Like, each slot has an int assigned to it, right? I do not know which it is the input and which is the output
  10. But I don't have any input or output variables
  11. Yes but how do I check if it is the input slot. What number of slot is the input slot?
  12. I don't understand how would I do what you said
  13. Yep, the inventory variable is in the tile entity, and corresponds to the item handler class (SculptorItemHandler)
  14. The inventory variable is in the tile entity, not in the item handler
  15. But how do I tell it it is the input or the output?
  16. I've only got the "slot" parameter, which is an int.
  17. Eerrmmmm... How?
  18. In which method?
  19. So what should I do?
  20. https://github.com/MrShawshank/Humlands-Reignited Here is my repository.
  21. Sorry for not answering, connection was gone. I'll follow the tutorial and let you know in a bit.
  22. So I created the repository, but it's empty. How do I transfer my code in it?
  23. I haven't got a github repository, but I have got github on my desktop. Do I send pastebins or create a git repository? (If so, how?)
  24. Yes I did.
  25. If you mean the duplicate recipe type, yes. I have removed the field in the Init.
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