If yes, then here is my question:
Why can't minecraft data be edited in fabric mod? I create a mod. In the resources folder, I create package data.minecraft.loot_tables.blocks and place the grass.json file there, but nothing works. I checked the right of the loot table written by me.
I want to change drop chances for the vanilla sand block for only one item, for example, for the stick. But if i write this code, i change drop chances for all drops of the sand block:
if ((event.getState().getBlock() instanceof BlockSand)) {
event.getDrops().add(new ItemStack(Items.STICK, 1));
event.setDropChance((float) 0.08);
It is necessary that when a player breaks the gravel with a stick in his hand, for example, dirt also drops. I tried to write the necessary code myself, but nothing works, and I need an example.
I wrote this code, but test_item don't drops when i break a gravel with a stick in mainhand. What's wrong?
if ((event.getState().getBlock() instanceof BlockGravel)) {
if (event.getHarvester() != null) {
ItemStack tool = event.getHarvester().getHeldItemMainhand();
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Items.STICK);
if (tool == item) {
event.getDrops().add(new ItemStack(ItemList.test_item, 1));
event.setDropChance((float) 0.8);