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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Model#Block_models
  2. Is there any way to rotate VoxelShapes? I got various 12+ cube VoxelShapes blocks and it is.. frustrating to do it by hand like vanilla I ended up doing a thingy to automate it
  3. Why not make various models with diferent textures, i mean it is how vanilla does it. Forget it. Now I get what you want. Not much fun in doing 54^3 models Hahaha
  4. Neither is the first. It seems that "f.config" is always an instance of DecoratedFeatureConfig. I actually remember reaching this and getting stuck. But I did some more digging and this works. This vanilla part is actually a mess. I am Happy to find an alternative. List<ConfiguredFeature> features = new ArrayList<ConfiguredFeature>(); for (ConfiguredFeature<?> f : biome.getFeatures(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)) { if (((DecoratedFeatureConfig)f.config).feature.feature instanceof OreFeature) { if (((OreFeatureConfig)((DecoratedFeatureConfig)f.config).feature.config).state.getBlock() == Blocks.IRON_ORE) { features.add(f); } } } biome.getFeatures(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES).removeAll(features);
  5. toString() clearly doesn't work. I think there is no way to get any id from biome features. (might be wrong, but I looked for it) The way I did it was to remove it all, looked for the vanilla code and replicated what I wanted to keep. Search on your IDE for the DefaultBiomeFeatures class Note that stone variants are in the same category as UNDERGROUND_ORES so you need to add them as well. This is perhaps not the best way to do it tho since comparability goes a bit out the window
  6. So, I made this structure that when assembled by the player it performs a continuous action. First I would just check for its existence every tick or once every tick, but i still tought it was a shitty solution, so I just added a TileEntity to every Block that was a part of the structure with world.addTileEntity() and use the remove() method of these "structural tile entities" as a way to refer to the "central" TileEntity and remove it. But I found that I could only register TileEntityTypes assigned to a block, which i wouldn't want to do, even though it wouldn't actually be assigned to the block in the sense that when adding the block to the world it would never create a tile entity unless I explicit tell it to do so on the Block class, so registering it with a block seems strange. Is there any way to register a TileEntity without beeing assigned to a Block? Or it just doesn't matter? Or, I can just create a dummy block????? All this is based on my understanding of what i saw in the code and that is that I can add any TileEntity to the world to any Block, but if the TileEntity isn't registered it won't add it. Generally, Is there any way to make an on demand one for all TileEntity?
  7. Mine works fine and the only difference is that i register the objects one by one. I tried one of your loot_table. Works fine on my project...
  8. if(compound.hasKey("isMoving")) isMoving = compound.getBoolean("isMoving"); if(compound.hasKey("structureChecked")) isMoving = compound.getBoolean("structureChecked"); ??????? Is this on purpose?
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