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Everything posted by 3.1459

  1. its still crashing with the same message
  2. I recently updated my mods and now my game is crashing on startup i tried adding them one at a time and couldn't find anything wrong and no crash log is being made the only thing I have is the debug log. If it helps I'm also using the curseforge launcher to launch the game. Minecraft version- 1.20.1 Forge Version-47.2.0 https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/d3105af6bb70e30f183505715113c61a
  3. Yep, That helped Thank you so much!!!!
  4. Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Forge Version: 47.2.0 My game was working fine until I added a few mods to it I went and removed each mod I added to figure out what is was but its still doing it I've been looking into the output log but I still couldn't find anything so here is the debug log https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/56c0483e300a50a47abb0c6b3ec04324
  5. it was Rubidium it had been working fine before and I need it to play with shaders Are there any alternatives other than optifine?
  6. I'm playing with all the mods 9 Forge Version 47.1.3 and Minecraft version 1.20.1 I added a few more mods then the game started crashing I removed those mods and it's still crashing the latest log:https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/90276ce0337f738762b76dd53764ec32 Crash Report:https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/e6199e0661be6a474b1328b3528b253e
  7. I Start Up the game get a crash before forge even starts to load Crash Log-https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/c1024110beca289019a0177ddecfc910
  8. Had some issues with some mods earlier that i had sorted out but know the world is crashing on startup without a crash log so heres the debug log https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/f1b5a84d298349dd871886f2e9fdc522
  9. I did I went Through to see what mod was causing the problem and fixed it but now I cant even load into a world I also updated the forge version to 40.2.0 and now the game is closing with no crash log but I have the debug https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/f1b5a84d298349dd871886f2e9fdc522
  10. Hadn't played Minecraft In a while I added some new mods and started the game then got this crash Almost Immediately https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/26640e854170916fc7dd301afa39991f
  11. So recently I stopped using optifine for several reasons I kept experiencing this glitch where everything else is frozen except for the player breaking blocks aren't allowed nor id dropping or picking up items I don't know what causing this and it annoying to have to delete a world everytime it occurs managed to get a super cool pic when everything started buggin The game doesn't crash either so there's no crash log but here's the debug https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/12c2539acf551080bf8297480e602f0e Here's The Pic Btw https://imgur.com/a/H1bGcEP
  12. So I stopped playing Minecraft for a while and decided to play yesterday so I started it up and the forge loader wouldn't even start so I figured out what mod was causing it (optifine) and loaded into Minecraft started a new word but it does the same thing the launcher did before the game doesn't really "crash" either meaning it doesn't take me back to the launcher once it crashes It just closes Minecraft and wont let me reopen the launcher until I go into task manger and end the "Minecraft Launcher Task" so here's the latest log https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/3177368ed3a41276e9ffc98821b9afdd
  13. Oh ok it works now thank you so much!!
  14. So I wanted to try to make a modded sever for the first time using https://aternos.org/ i downloaded forge and the mods I wanted it says it crashed but again I cant understand the logs so ill post it here I'm minecraft version 1.18.2 and forge version 40.1.76 https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/6961463b66e3f701d27781f231d37101
  15. Oh so its optifine Ok Thank you!
  16. ok so i deleted illuminations and updated forge to 40.1.68 and got this after attempting to load a world https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/7a8c606ac9ad193e1484398f3634d4fe
  17. Crash on startup I have notenoughcrashes installed which tell me what causes the game to crash but it cant seem to find a mod that's causing it Forge Version:40.1.51 NotEnoughCrashes Crash Log.https://bytebin.lucko.me/CQ39tvoR5A
  18. nvm seems i needed more space the only problem rn is the connected textures mod
  19. I honestly cant even explain this I have a lot of mods so stuff like this is bound to happened tried to figure it out but I cant really read logs so I'm just going to post the log here and hope somebody knows what's is goin on. Forge Version-40.1.48 Minecraft Version-1.18.2 Debug Log-https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/68140e82fa4da32e8afd7540ef717e5b
  20. sorry it was me being dumb I had a lot of mods that were for 1.18.1 when I was on .2 the only other issue I had was with allthemodium which has no kind of support to report bugs
  21. https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/f45e67e1a52c1cab63b6abb4ce469e29
  22. https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/1ceae0fb5644baaee145b3ca6766d517
  23. So at first the curios mod was giving me trouble its been like 3 days and i have yet to receive support on it but now i cant even get the game to load at all it just crashes on startup and says the java runtime is invalid Here's the debug https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/8cb62e121bf25f13e7deb4a75c409f39 Forge Version: 36.2.21 Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
  24. Minecraft-1.16.5 Forge-36.2.20 I've been playing on the world for damn near a month and all of a sudden when I load it up right after exiting because I had open to Lan to kill some mobs that had spawned far to much the loading world txt just disappears and nothing happens and when I forced the game to close (I was stuck in fullscreen btw so I had to shut the computer down to get out) anyway when I forced the game to close and restarted the launcher it crashes stating that fairy lights is the problem and so i just delete it and its STILL stuck on the world loading screen even without fairy lights here's the Debug Log:https://gist.github.com/keepinitreal247/213a3d34131e0bcafad1b4427ff4976b
  25. It must be something new they're doing then I've been using this mod for suck a long time I'm kinda disappointed that it them but nonetheless I'll delete it if it's causing problems! Thank you! ❤
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