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Everything posted by MineModder2000

  1. I just made this recipe as a test. Saved as flint.json and put inside recipes package within src/main/resources.
  2. Couple more things I need to know how to do : Change odds of a block dropping an item (e.g. : leaves dropping sticks) Make a block that drops itself break and drop items instead (e.g. : wood logs into wood chunks)
  3. Never mind sorry, very noob reply from me. It's been awhile since I've messed with Java so I am rusty. I have it working as I wanted, only shovels dig dirt, only axes chop wood, etc. Thanks to all in thread that helped. Now if you can help me here too that would be great ?
  4. It has getToolTypes() which returns Set<ToolType>, not quite.
  5. It checks whether the given Block can be harvested using the specified ItemStack. Using it as a check, only pick axes work with stone and such as intended. But nothing else is harvest-able, no matter what tool is used.
  6. Yes I see this, thank you. Thanks, I have seen the canHarvestBlock method but it's not quite what I want. I want to actually make it so that the blocks only break with the appropriate tool, unless its something like a flower / bush which should be breakable with anything. I know how to check the tool type of a block with this : event.getState().isToolEffective(ToolType.AXE) But I am struggling with how to compare that to what's being held : event.getEntityPlayer().getHeldItem(Hand.MAIN_HAND).getItem().
  7. Thanks making some progress. I'll see how far I can get, I should be able to figure this out.
  8. Right but how about checking against the block that is aimed at?
  9. Haha, I have ideas. Such as gather-able sticks and stone generating through the world that will make your first set of tools.
  10. Works like a charm. But with this I can still break blocks if I have a flower or anything else in the player's hand. What I intend is to only be able to break blocks with the correct tool (shovel for dirt, axe for wood, etc.)
  11. That method is empty and doesn't accept parameters. Also it says not to make a reference to it since its not static....
  12. 1.14.4. Also getItem() method looks like this : return this.isEmpty || this.delegate == null ? Items.AIR : this.delegate.get(); isEmpty would be useful of course, but's its a private boolean variable....
  13. I figured out events and what not, but I am having trouble doing an if statement check for whether the player is holding an item, @SubscribeEvent public void breakSpeed(BreakSpeed event) { event.setNewSpeed(0); } I don't how to check for that exactly.
  14. I have forge 1.14.4 and I have successfully set up my work space / project using gradle. I am able to use ./gradlew build to build mods which are placed in the libs folder, so everything definitely works. However I am not currently able to run the code from within Eclipse. I get "Error : Could not find or load main class GradleStart", from the console... Main Class : GradleStart Arguments –Guy=<Guy> –qwerty!=<qwerty!>
  15. I was just reading that before you posted. Thanks, I'll study it and then post any more questions here.
  16. Okay thanks I will try that. I mean the punch shouldn't even break blocks.
  17. That function is antiquated since forge 1.13 (or so). You don't have to do it anymore, just run : ./gradlew eclipse That's it.
  18. Instead of adding in things, I want to know how to remove them. Examples : default mobs and the ability to punch blocks to acquire them.
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