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Everything posted by FullAuto

  1. Check out the net.minecraft.network.play.server.SSetSlotPacket.class I think, this is the package, that is send by the server to populate the GuiContainer. You could hook to the incoming packages... No idea how to do this exactly. Found some very old thread about it:
  2. Don't use anything like Thread.sleep in Minecraft. You will break everything. Maybe you can implement some hotkey, which will print the current GuiContainer to the logs.
  3. Override the onEntityCollision in your fluid's block to affect players/entities inside the fluid.
  4. The rewrite is here. GREAT! Can't wait to try it... Thanks for your work on this!
  5. The game does not create a texture map for modded blocks. But you could create a texture map yourself and use it for your blocks, if you want to. For TESR models is it standard to use texture maps. Like head, body, arms etc. together in one file..
  6. Neither Minecraft, nor Forge create a root project "Pokem".
  7. You don't have to answer. Your answer doesn't need to be a copy&pasty-ready solution. Moderators and people in this forum, that are active in helping, are very aware of this problem and they know how to deal with it.
  8. Sounds great! Thanks for the reply on this.
  9. Don't know, what you mean by "robust". Back in 1.7.10 I never had the feeling, that there is something broken with custom fluids. Nice to have would be: - documentation - OreDictionary for fluids (i.e. for all the mods that add "Oil", "Fuel" and "Bio Fuel") - support not only for buckets, but also for glass bottles and custom vessels
  10. I am currently "updating" from 1.7.10 to 1.14 and let me give you the hard answer: You do not update, you rewrite the mod from scratch. Too many things changed. Just start a new mod and implement everything step by step.
  11. As far as I read here, the fluid system in Forge for 1.14 will be rewritten. Any idea, when this will happen? I am not expecting an exact date, but it would be nice to know, if this is something happening soon or scheduled for next year. Fluids are kind of essential for some mods and porting to 1.14 without the fluid system is no fun... I am stuck with most of my mod's content now.
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