I am contributing to an open source project and I should change the ingredients of a vanilla recipe.
I generated the new recipe via datagen and it was added to the path generated/resources/data/minecraft/recipes/rail.json along with its advancement in generated/resources/data/minecraft/advancements/recipes/transportation/rail.json
I start the game but it shows me the original recipe and not the modified one
Can you help me?
This is the the commit: https://github.com/Edivad99/Railcraft/commit/056addce1ef2e7af1cc151c79a62a436c3bac056
And this is the build.gradle: https://github.com/Edivad99/Railcraft/blob/1.19.x/build.gradle
If I go to eclipse the this.renderTooltip method works, and if I start the game everything works.
As soon as I build on github I get this error:
If I build on my computer I don't get any errors, but as soon as I start mc 1.16.1 with my mod, it crashes.
How do I solve this error?
I am converting the code from 1.14.4 to 1.15.2.
I have a problem in the rendering phase of the liquid inside the tank.
I have already converted all the GlStateManager code into RenderSystem etc. But it does not work. The code compiles, I know that in 1.15.2 the rendering system has been changed, does anyone know how to solve this problem?
GitHub RenderTileDimTank.java 1.14.4
GitHub /RenderTileDimTank.java 1.15.2
I am making a tank, I did some tests and the lava will render it correctly with its texture. The water, on the other hand, is shown with a gray texture.
Anyone know why? What am I doing wrong?
RenderTileDimTank.java GitHub
this is how i resolved
matrixStackIn.translate(0, 0, tileEntity.movablePartState);
movable.render(matrixStackIn, bufferIn, packedLightIn, packedOverlayIn, red, green, blue, alpha);