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Everything posted by Hendoor64

  1. Hi! I wanted to create a rotating circle visual which hovers in the air, and I figured a particle would have less overhead than an entity. By default, particles rotate their quad to face the player automatically, but I want mine to face straight up regardless of the player's position. How can I tell the particle (or whatever renders it) not to face the player? P.S. I'm also struggling to rotate my particle, there doesn't seem to be a field for its orientation, only its position. Any ideas? Thanks!
  2. My TileEntity acts like a transmutation circle, and every tick it changes another block near it to a different type. I need a way for my TileEntity to "remember" which blocks it should be swapping to and from. How can I write and read a BlockState to NBT?
  3. My goal is to create a potion effect which allows the player to no-clip through some blocks but not others. How would I go about this? The potion effect itself and its application are taken care of. Thanks in advance.
  4. I am trying to make a cloak item, a chest-slot piece of armor. It seems simplest to make the cloak look like an elytra and change the texture rather than making my own armor model, since I'm happy with how the elytra looks already. The cloak class currently extends ArmorItem. Thanks in advance for your help.
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