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Everything posted by matt1999rd

  1. my code is not good I will come later because I saw errror in logger that prevent the tileentity to reload
  2. ok I have done it and it works thank you for information
  3. the method onBlockActivated is also deprecated...
  4. okay so we can override a method of BlockState class within a class extended from Block...is that right ? because it seems to me very strange...
  5. I create my own capability class is this a good idea ? because it compiled but doesn't work... I copy the code from EnergyCapability...
  6. hello, In my mod I want to keep the value of a variable when closing minecraft and I don't know how to do it . It is three integer from a BlockPos...
  7. okay so how can I replace it if I cannot use blockState ? I saw on other post that people in 1.14 are using onBlockActivated too and nothing is suggest to replace it in the Block class unfortunately...
  8. thanks but the problem is that I need to create a new BlockState class for my block so that I can redefine it and I thinks it is not a good idea and not as simple as you may think.
  9. I have checked within blockstate class and I didn't find any function that indicate whether this block is clicked or not... So I don't know where I could find a way not to use this. Maybe if some of you have example of such usage, I will be happy.
  10. what do you mean by blockstate ?
  11. Hello everyone, In the 1.14 tutorial of McJty, when creating a gui, he used the @Deprecated function onBlockActivated to open the gui when the block is clicked by the player. I want to do it with newer method that are not deprecated to follow the rules suggested in the common issue and recommendation. Does such a function exist or we ought to use the deprecated one ?
  12. yes it change the facing properties from east west or south to north (because as I think it is the first one)
  13. here is all the code of the new block : public class SwitchDoubleTurn extends Switch { private static EnumProperty<Corners> SWITCH_POSITION; static { SWITCH_POSITION = EnumProperty.create("switch_position",Corners.class,(corners -> { return (corners == Corners.TURN_LEFT|| corners == Corners.TURN_RIGHT ); })); } private BlockState blockState; public SwitchDoubleTurn() { super(true,Properties.create(Material.IRON) .doesNotBlockMovement() .lightValue(0) .hardnessAndResistance(2f) .sound(SoundType.METAL)); setRegistryName("double_turn_switch"); this.setDefaultState(this.stateContainer.getBaseState() .with(BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING,Direction.NORTH) .with(SWITCH_POSITION,Corners.TURN_LEFT) .with(RAIL_STRAIGHT_FLAT,RailShape.NORTH_SOUTH) ); blockState=this.getDefaultState(); } @Override public boolean isIn(Tag<Block> tag) { return (tag == BlockTags.RAILS); } @Override public boolean canMakeSlopes(BlockState p_canMakeSlopes_1_, IBlockReader p_canMakeSlopes_2_, BlockPos p_canMakeSlopes_3_) { return false; } @Override public boolean isValidPosition(BlockState p_196260_1_, IWorldReader p_196260_2_, BlockPos p_196260_3_) { return true; } private Corners actualState ; public SwitchDoubleTurn(Properties builder) { super(true,builder); setRegistryName("double_turn_switch"); } @Override public void onBlockPlacedBy(World world, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, @Nullable LivingEntity entity, ItemStack stack) { if (entity !=null) { world.setBlockState(pos,state .with(BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING,getFacingFromEntity(entity, pos)) .with(SWITCH_POSITION,Corners.TURN_LEFT) .with(RAIL_STRAIGHT_FLAT,RailShape.NORTH_SOUTH) ); actualState = Corners.TURN_LEFT; blockState=state; } } private Direction getFacingFromEntity(LivingEntity entity, BlockPos pos) { Direction d= Direction.getFacingFromVector( (float) (entity.posX-pos.getX()), (float) (entity.posY-pos.getY()), (float) (entity.posZ-pos.getZ())); return d; } @Override public void fillStateContainer(StateContainer.Builder<Block,BlockState> builder){ builder.add(BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING, SWITCH_POSITION, RAIL_STRAIGHT_FLAT); } @Override public BlockState getBlockState() { return blockState; } public void updatePoweredState(World world, BlockState state, BlockPos pos, int flags) { if (!world.isRemote){ boolean isPowered = (actualState == Corners.TURN_RIGHT); System.out.println("valeur de state.get(...): "+state.get(SWITCH_POSITION)); if (!isPowered){ System.out.println("changing to turn_right position"); world.setBlockState(pos,state.with(SWITCH_POSITION,Corners.TURN_RIGHT),flags); actualState = Corners.TURN_RIGHT; }else { System.out.println("changing to turn_left position"); world.setBlockState(pos,state.with(SWITCH_POSITION,Corners.TURN_LEFT),flags); actualState = Corners.TURN_LEFT; } } } @Override public RailShape getRailDirection(BlockState state, IBlockReader reader, BlockPos pos, @Nullable AbstractMinecartEntity minecartEntity) { Direction direction = state.get(BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING); switch (direction) { case NORTH: return (actualState == Corners.TURN_LEFT)? RailShape.SOUTH_WEST : RailShape.SOUTH_EAST; case SOUTH: return (actualState == Corners.TURN_LEFT)? RailShape.NORTH_EAST : RailShape.NORTH_WEST; case WEST: return (actualState == Corners.TURN_LEFT)? RailShape.SOUTH_EAST : RailShape.NORTH_EAST; case EAST: return (actualState == Corners.TURN_LEFT)? RailShape.NORTH_WEST : RailShape.SOUTH_WEST; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("no such direction for double turn block"); } } @Override public IProperty<RailShape> getShapeProperty() { return RAIL_STRAIGHT_FLAT; } } RAIL_STRAIGHT_FLAT est une enumproperty qui contient les railshape north_south et east_west mais elle n'est pas utile et je ne sais pas comment ne plus avoir de railshape property pour mon block
  14. mcjty has done some tutorial on making if you got an idea of changing this to make a new gui for 1.14 that fit what you wanted, I would be interested in. What he does is not really what you want nor it is not what I wanted because it involves inventory. Here is the video :
  15. my block is actally in this tags as I've overriden the function isIn. I think that may be the point. I've not tried though
  16. in the new onItemUse function it returns ActionResultType When I just put the return statement like that : @Override public ActionResultType onItemUse(ItemUseContext context) { return ActionResultType.SUCCESS; } I get for one of my newest block a change in the blockstate which is reinitialised
  17. so I'm wandering if it is normal that this function reset the blockstate of blocks. For example if I create a block with facing properties when I clicked on the block with the new item, is it normal that the new facing properties become DOWN as its meta value is the smaller one ?
  18. Hello !! I'm working on a mod that use item and I have got one question : how does onItemUse work in new version ? what does this do on blocks ?
  19. Rail are changing depending on the other rail but I don't know if I can modify the function that change the position regarding neighbor rail..
  20. now the problem is solved but in fact one problem remain is that the main block I use for creating the block is herited from AbstractRailBlock so when I put the block within the game the switch change the shape when I call this function
  21. the state is not changing and it is not working
  22. the ispowered is always at true statement
  23. so have you got an idea of what is not working ? I'm pretty sure it's the function setBlockState but I do not understood what flags changes..
  24. I've understand here is the code : public void updatePoweredState(World world, BlockState state, BlockPos pos, int flags) { if (!world.isRemote){ boolean isPowered = (state.get(SWITCH_POSITION) == Corners.TURN); if (!isPowered){ world.setBlockState(pos,state.with(SWITCH_POSITION,Corners.TURN),flags); }else { world.setBlockState(pos,state.with(SWITCH_POSITION,Corners.STRAIGHT),flags); } System.out.println(state.get(SWITCH_POSITION)); } } I don't need string but this enumproperty will be usefull in my future block I filtered the position from now
  25. I use string to compare rather than using boolean because it seems not to work with booleanProperty POWERED (that the property I used before)
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