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Posts posted by matt1999rd

  1. 11 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

    You are now checking for client-side.


    What on earth is this?

    I will give the full definition of this :

    protected static EnumProperty<Corners> SWITCH_POSITION ;
    static  {
        SWITCH_POSITION = EnumProperty.create("switch_position",Corners.class,(corner)-> {
            return (corner == Corners.STRAIGHT || corner == Corners.TURN);

    here is the definition of my EnumProperty

    It use the class enum called Corners as used in the BlockStateProperty

    And here is the Corners class :

    public enum Corners implements IStringSerializable {
        private final int meta ;
        private final String name;
        private Corners(int meta, String name) {
        public String getName() {
            return this.name;



  2. I'm new in this forum and of what I know item is something that exist in only one material like cobblestone or iron_bar. The tag is specified for blocks like planks that has variants on oak_wood, dark_oak_wood, and so on...

    If you look at barrel.json in the recipe directory you will see that tag is specified for planks and wooden_slab this mean that you can use any wooden_slab or any plnks to craft it

    hope you've understand..

  3. Thanks for advice I've corrected my code and here is the new method updatePoweredState :

    public void updatePoweredState(World world, BlockState state, BlockPos pos, int flags) {
        if (world.isRemote){
            boolean isPowered = state.get(SWITCH_POSITION).getName().equals("turn");
            if (isPowered){
            }else {

    I'm using a proper EnumProperty for my block based on enum called Corners which contains these two attributes. But it's unfortunately not working because every time I use my item to change the blockstate from Corners.STRAIGHT to Corners.TURN something is changing to Corners.STRAIGHT again one tick after and I don't know where I can block this action.


    Another strange action is when some block are nearby this actually change the RailShape properties.

  4. Hello everyone,

    For a 1.14 mod,

    I try to create an item that change the state of a block. To do that I'm using setBlockState method of World object. The code for doing this use a variable that confirmed that the rest of the code is working well.

    As I search into setBlockState method I find these lines :

     * Sets a block state into this world.Flags are as follows:
     * 1 will cause a block update.
     * 2 will send the change to clients.
     * 4 will prevent the block from being re-rendered.
     * 8 will force any re-renders to run on the main thread instead
     * 16 will prevent neighbor reactions (e.g. fences connecting, observers pulsing).
     * 32 will prevent neighbor reactions from spawning drops.
     * 64 will signify the block is being moved.
     * Flags can be OR-ed



    I think this may change the behaviour but I try for the flag that match the best what I wanted and I trye for 7 and 11 but none of them changes the behaviour.


    Here is the method where I use the method setBlockState :

    private void updatePoweredState(World world, BlockState state,BlockPos pos,BlockState oldState) {
        isPowered = !isPowered;
        if (isPowered){
            System.out.println("etat du block : turn");
        }else {
            System.out.println("etat du block : straight");


    flags has the value 7 or 11.


    what the code is doing is changing the state switchposition and then almost instantly changing the state to the previous one.

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