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vinnyg0621 last won the day on March 7

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  1. i just removed the mod and it's not crashing anymore, but if it is that mod then they really need to fix this issue.
  2. i just keep removing different mods but i keep getting this strange crash after i updated forge to 47.4.0, it won't stop, someone please help me immediately https://mclo.gs/UbP0oxs log: https://mclo.gs/AnVrP2D
  3. now, whenever I try to open any world, it now gives me this error message saying "errors in currently selected data packs prevented the world from loading." and the safe mode option does not work. and once again, it happens to all worlds. https://mclo.gs/11VfRdo
  4. I tried to join my world and then Not Enough Crashes says it was BCLib. I've had BCLib before and joining the same map worked perfectly. until it now says it crashed on client with description - mouseClicked event handler. it also does this now when I optimize my world. I have no idea what to do, can someone please help?? crashlog OMG!, the log has 200 million million million million CHARACTERS!! πŸ˜±πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ˜± latest log i can't upload it... 😒
  5. i need help, if i don't get this solved i will never play my favorite modded instance ever again..... 😭😭😭😭😭 someone please help me, HELP me!!!
  6. I need help... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  7. can someone please help me, I really want to play my modded game again!
  8. I just removed that mod as well and it's still stuck on 100% loading and does still not go past it. all of my modded maps are so unplayable, i like, have no idea what to do https://mclo.gs/XHWCu5M
  9. removed all of those mods and still stuck on 100%. https://mclo.gs/1uBRcak
  10. recently all of my maps were stuck on 100% loading and would not go past it, no matter if I deleted the session.lock file or updated my PC or increased my ram to 16GB. I don't know what to do and google searches do not help. I almost have 400 mods. here is my log https://mclo.gs/QJsrp0i
  11. the paintings also phase through other blocks!
  12. when I just started up the game, I had this one splash on the menu. then I joined a world. I left. but when I exited the world to menu, it said the exact same splash it showed that I started up the game! 😠 and it won't change until I restart the whole game all over again. and I am using my custom splash texture pack, but it was not like that before even when I had it enabled. ugh! what even am I doing wrong? my whole game is ruined!! https://mclo.gs/LRDITtP
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