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Everything posted by DragonITA

  1. Ahh, sorry, i forgot it. But where can I find tutorials for tile entities for 1.15.1?
  2. Is this something with tile entities?
  3. I think that the Title says it all and that I don't have anything further to say. How to make that i right click on a Bock and that the Block open a GUI. Then that the Gui work like a furnace.
  4. I only now realize that I don't know exactly what it is. And yes, I read the link, only I still don't know what it is.
  5. You can read the Vanilla Code and then write your own entitymodel.
  6. But i can use the RegistryEvent, or not?
  7. Thanks for all the great Replys!
  8. @EventBusSubscriber(modid = Main.MODID, bus = EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD, value = Dist.CLIENT) public class Something(){ //Do something }
  9. Like this:??? @EventBusSubscriber(modid = Main.MODID, bus = EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD, value = FMLEnvironment.Dist) public class Something(){ //Do something }
  10. Wow, thanks for that answer. Now I understand everything except for one point: Why can't I use @OnlyIn and what should I replace it with (the docs is really outdated soon and I don't know what to use now. Strange, when I pressed ctrl + spacebar in the IDE, then normal white comes up with a whole bunch of variables/functions I can use, but I haven't seen any FMLEnvironment.Dist)? If it is, then how should I use it? Usually my IDE tells me, but I don't see anything.
  11. My IDE don‘t find the FMLEnvironment.dist. I think it was outdated. How was I supposed to do it?
  12. I read it, only dont have see the difference between client physical side and client logical side. this is what my IDE shows me (Tried to look at a vanilla code): @net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.OnlyIn(value=net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.Dist.CLIENT) I know it's exactly the same. But I don't understand that, even with the link you've already given. I just find it hard to understand that, and except for these four differences I don't understand at all. Why do you say I can't do it this way, but the vanilla code does exactly that? Could you explain it to me (And yes, I repeat, I read the link and still don't understand it)?
  13. Can i replace it with world.isRemote ?
  14. I simple copy and paste the Text from the documentation. Sorry
  15. Have you tried to see the new Vanilla Code? If this setFull3D is missing then it got replaced with a new Thing. if it gow improved and changed then you will see this in the Vanilla Code.I think it's just been replaced. You can just look at the vanilla code and use the new replacement.
  16. I am talking about the EntityEntry in the Registry of Forge.
  17. I found a Github Code but want know what the EntityEntry is and and why I have to use this EntityEntry and not the entity itself. Here is the Github Code.
  18. In this Link. Registering an Entity might be a little bit confusing at first as it doesn’t use the Entity class, but an EntityEntry. These are created by making use of EntityEntryBuilder.EntityEntryBuilder#id() is equivalent to the setRegistryName() method from IForgeRegistryEntry, with the difference that it also takes a mod internal int ID. A simple counter during registration is enough as this ID is only used for networking.
  19. The title say all: What is a EntityEntry and how to make/register a custom?
  20. Oh, sorry. Then: Where should I implement it?
  21. @diesieben07, i'm sorry, I was just checking to make sure. Ok, so if I understood and read well then I should implement the IForgeRegistryEntry in a class. The (hopefully last) question: Where should I implement it, in which class? I don't want to take any risk, but if I have read it then I have to implement it in my entity class. Am I right?
  22. It simply is the Type of my Entity, my Entity in others word. Can i use my Entity like a EntityType? Edit: I was so stupid, the solution was before my eyes for the whole time. I already made an EntityType, just had to import it.
  23. The titles says all. What is the best Method for registering things (example: Blocks, Items, Dimensions, …)? It just for know the best method and improve my modders skill.
  24. Ok, thanks. What is a EntityType? Is this my Entity or something else? Auf jedenfalls arbeite ich gerade um dieses Problem lösen können. Should i replace the RenderingRegistry with the DeferredRegister? Ok, I know that I'm annoying you with my questions, and I also tried to look at some vanilla code, but all I need is this: In which folder is the Entity RenderRegistry? I'm looking for a solution to my problem right now, and as it is written in the tips from @DavidM: The best way to learn is to look at the vanilla code. So I've been thinking and want to look at a classic code. I'm just now noticing how many things I have to work on, so I want to finish this topic first and then improve myself, because it must be really annoying to try to help someone who doesn't know anything. Thanks for reading it.
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