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Everything posted by Guru

  1. If I made a mod that added one block to the game for 1.11.2 and posted the src could you update it to 1.16.4 so I can see the comparison and possibly update? I believe I may have it working, but there is obviously not a net.minecraft.init and I'm not sure what the new format looks like. I can look at what there is for 1.16.4 in the project and external dependencies folder there. main, reference, two files for mod tab, init, and common and client proxy.
  2. I keep running into the same problem either way where my build path is wrong somehow. Can you help me solve this problem? Here is a picture of what I'm getting at though:
  3. I read the instructions again, and your post one more time. I will see if it works without running the gradlew eclipse command. There being only one command according to the instructions on that page. Forge 1.16.4 README.txt: 1. Run the following command: "gradlew genEclipseRuns" (./gradlew genEclipseRuns if you are on Mac/Linux) 2. Open Eclipse, Import > Existing Gradle Project > Select Folder or run "gradlew eclipse" to generate the project. (Current Issue) 4. Open Project > Run/Debug Settings > Edit runClient and runServer > Environment 5. Edit MOD_CLASSES to show [modid]%%[Path]; 2 times rather then the generated 4. On step two. Running the gradlew eclipse command should generate the eclipse folder within the project. It does not do this.
  4. This should be something fun to do with a simple step by step guide that works. To further explain the problem I am having other than gradlew build not working is there are no suggestions made to fix my code when my src is opened with the 1.16.4 version on eclipse. Such as if you were to update and it suggest you use one word instead of another or one with uppercase lettering instead of lowercase for example. They also changed stacksize to shrink or something.
  5. gradlew genEclipseRuns and gradlew eclipse does not allow me to open my project with forge in a workspace by importing the project as a java project or a gradle project using eclipse. The gradlew build command does not work at all. If it does import then there is a problem: "By replacing the original src with my mod src and opening it then I have a problem such as the following: "No proposals have been found to fix the unresolved reference to 'net.minecraft.init.blocks'. Click here to manually configure the build path of 'New Mod'." I'm not on something where I'm running into a problem running both commands as I'm directly connected to the internet. The problem I'm having is that I can't use the gradlew build command at all with the 1.16.4 version of forge and I don't know what to do after running the two commands on eclipse for it to import the project correctly. From what I understand you drag and drop your src in there by replacing the src folder or something and import it through the eclipse menu somehow or another where there is the proper build path. The instructions on that page don't tell you you have to click on the bat to get it to install gradle for step one. Running the two commands by themselves causes it to error. It also does not explain that I have to go into advanced system settings and set a JAVA_HOME environment variable directed towards the jdk situation.
  6. Yes, but I have both and I can not set up the workspace either way. Not sure how much it would cost to have two or three mods updated to a newer version, but ya'll make this stuff pretty difficult to solve when you change things up with no instructions on how to set up the new workspace other than the ones that aren't working for me. Which defeats the simplicity of adding something to the game by making it much more difficult to do. They added swimming to the game..... and changes a bunch of things. Like if it was worth putting the time into to learn something irritatingly unsolvable to begin with that don't work with the instructions. But yeah
  7. I would figure selecting the eclipse folder that way or something is faster than having to go through all of the trouble of having to import your project. Which does not work by clicking the gradle.bat, running the two commands, and importing it as a java project or gradle project having both the java jre and jdk installed and having to go through that though. It is so much easier to click the folder and it open that individual project. The new way of doing it is very frustrating and I have tried for days now and watched several videos on how to get it to work and I am having no luck at all for that matter and it's very time consuming. Any help is appreciated though.
  8. I have went into the advanced system properties and added the following environment variable: JAVA_HOME C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_271 So that is there. I have the jre and jdk as well as eclipse. I am able to do this on 1.11.2 forge: step one is having to do with the jdk thing above. Extract forge into a folder, then click on the gradle.bat being step two. The next thing you do is enter two command gradlew setupDecompWorkspace and gradlew eclipse When you do that it makes a folder named eclipse and you click on that folder to open it with eclipse. You replace the src folder after setting it up with your src folder then you can open it on eclipse and build your mod with gradlew build. I can get this to work, and I'm on a windows 10 computer by using .\gradlew instead of /gradlew with powershell. When I do the same with version 1.16.4 forge: click the bat gradlew genEclipseRuns and gradlew eclipse no eclipse folder is produced. By going into eclipse I click import project, then click Gradle -------> existing gradle project and click the folder where I have extracted forge 1.16.4 and ran the two commands in that window. This brings up an example src with code that I can see of Minecraft. By replacing the original src with my mod src and opening it then I have a problem such as the following: "No proposals have been found to fix the unresolved reference to 'net.minecraft.init.blocks'. Click here to manually configure the build path of 'New Mod'. I am not able to open my project and click the things to where is suggests solutions to my code in comparison to the whole bunch of code in order to build my mod. There is no eclipse folder to select for the workspace directory, so I'm left with this unresolved issue. So can someone plz help. new folder ---> folder ---> contents inside of forge mdk zip on the desktop. Is how I am running the commands and setting up forge. This completely works every time by opening Eclipse and selecting the folder named eclipse and opening that as the workspace, then it opens up and works allowing you to build your mod. Such as: C:\Users\Twigm\Desktop\New folder\folder\eclipse They do not have this for the 1.16.4 version and I don't get what you are supposed to do if you have no eclipse folder to select and launch. Importing it both as a java project and and gradle project has not worked for me at all. I have no problem whatsoever with the 1.11.2 version.
  9. Which still doesn't change that the examplification and information to register an item and a recipe is logically deprecated therefor not supported resulting in the first occurrence of my question resulting in a locked thread. The website explains how to register items for 1.11.2 not 1.12.2-1.15.2 and so on and so forth. Which logically should really have two examples as to register items and recipes for items that way there is universality of some kind update from one version to another. Logically if the workspace does not provide the answer then look it up.
  10. The egg item returns to null using an override in what would be in conjunction with an nbt compound which causes a conflict with firework item. public static final RegistryObject<Item> This method is deprecated, please use the following: GameRegistry.register It does not reference to the right side of an A which is how come it's deferred. public static final DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS = new DeferredRegister<>(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS, ExampleMod.MODID); // This is a very simple Item. It has no special properties except for being on our creative tab. public static final RegistryObject<Item> ModItems.ITEMS.register(modEventBus); Items are being listed as deferred when the default Minecraft invisible texture is that which isn't guilded. Therefor the end result is item firework 3 does not function as an item and I have returned that I have an item that is not my actual item or block by it not being able to reference to a steel cube or black lines individually if worldObj does not exist and the relativity of all entities is referenced to world. The example also has no crafting recipes from the main text file or the modItems. Which logically explains .json is not compatible with crafting recipes based on reference. The reason you need the .json for crafting recipes is because there is no other reference than world. Without a steel cube or worldObj therefor renders the objects as deferred, which then is not able to reference to world. Which logically explains that square root doubles can not be re-added to the Minecraft code itself. So everything functions on the incorrect recognition of four letters being sqrt. Which logically by the same reference I am able to read squrt and figure it was actually the occurrence of an angle that way perhaps. Ghast being spelled five letters which would then reference to Blaze.
  11. Registering an Item Items must be registered to function. There is also a convenience overload that takes an IForgeRegistryEntry and a ResourceLocation, which is equivalent to calling IForgeRegistryEntry::setRegistryName, followed by a GameRegistry.register call. In main class preInit: GuruItems.register(); In the init located Moditems: GameRegistry.register(FIRE_ORB.setRegistryName ("fireOrb")); GameRegistry.register call. This is broken in the 1.12.2 version and the information is invalid or incorrect logically. If gameRegistry.register does not work for 1.12.2 then it does not work for 1.15.2 because there is only squrt and there is no such thing as square root doubles and you can not create a steel cube.
  12. There is no exemplification or examples that I know of that show how the .json crafting recipes are implemented or how the items are registered. I can not update to a later version as the mod src range is not the same from 1.9 - 1.11.2. Forge builds from 1.9 can be changed version to apply build by using its code for 1.11.2. I do not know what the format is or is there information that I know of or a mod example to show how to register items properly from 1.11.2 format to the building range that 1.12.2 offers. Being 1.12.2 -1.15.2. Then after that I will have to update my mod from that range to be consistent with 1.16. The information I am looking for is how to register items and recipes for 1.15.2. This being the same way consistent through the 1.12.2 - 1.15.2 versions of forge so I listed the Issue for 1.12.2 because my code is 1.11.2 and that's the workspace I have to update to the newer version of Minecraft. I could update to 1.15.2 if I knew the format to update how items and recipes are registered for the 1.12.2 version. That way I can code my mod on version 1.12.2 through 1.15.2 to compare or see the differences of code and know what's different from 1.11.2. I have a previous thread that has been locked, which can be found here providing pictures of what I am having an issue with as well as an open mod src but the items and recipes aren't registered the right way for 1.12.2: https://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/81622-1122-how-do-i-register-items-and-item-recipes/
  13. My question is how to register items and recipes going from the 1.11.2 to 1.12.2 version. All of my code is correct on the workspace, although the ones that are for items do not work right when it comes to registering the item. I know 1.12.2 added .json for recipes and removed worldObj as well as square root doubles. I do not know how these .json's are being implemented as they don't go together with the crafting recipes being in a list style inside of one file in a neat organized way. Although if I am able to update my code from 1.11.2 to 1.12.2 reasonably by some example or some help that would be nice. In the first photo is the Item class where the items are being registered: In the second photo is the main class where GuruItems.register does not list as an error on the preinit, although GameRegistry.addRecipe apparently doesn't work at all for that matter: I have the src of the mod here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1imyrvtx7kpyk3/thebasicelementssrc1.12.2.zip?dl=0 If there is an example as to how to solve this such as an example adding a block or a throwable entity of some kind registering 2 blocks and 2 items that I could see that worked by putting the src in and typing gradlew build then I would completely know what I was doing. Although I'm not sure where a guide to this is and the workspace doesn't provide any suggestions as to what to replace or where or what needs to be added that way.
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