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  1. I had tried using ContainerData before but I didn't notice addDataSlots in AbstractFurnaceMenu. After adding it to the constructor it worked. Thank you.
  2. I'm making a custom furnace(refinery) and want to sync the BlockEntity data with the client so I can display it on the ContainerScreen. I've tried getUpdatePacket() and onDataPacket() in the BlockEntity and also using a packet. Neither worked. RefineryBlock RefineryBlockEntity RefineryMenu RefineryScreen PacketHandler RefineryUpdatePacket ClientAccess
  3. I've been messing around with Networking and I have no idea what i'm doing.
  4. I change a static variable in the LivingEntity to change the gravity so I'm guessing it's only changing on one side. How would I change it on both sides?
  5. In the PlayerTickEvent I want to test if the player is in my custom moon dimension and change the gravity but nothing I have tried has worked. I noticed that some things I tried would work but when I change dimensions either with /forge command or teleport function, the gravity would be the same as the dimension I came from. When I re logged it worked though.
  6. Could you refer me to a good capabilities tutorial then as I am not familiar with them.
  7. I have a canister item that holds 20 buckets of a fluid. It uses FluidStack to hold fluid and amount but when i change the amount on one item all of the instances of the item also change. Item class: public class CanisterItem extends Item { private Supplier<? extends Fluid> supplier; private FluidStack fluid; public CanisterItem(Supplier<? extends Fluid> supplier, Properties builder) { super(builder); this.supplier = supplier; } @Override public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, List<ITextComponent> tooltip, ITooltipFlag flagIn) { if(fluid == null) fluid = new FluidStack(supplier.get(), 20000); if(KeyboardHelper.isHoldingShift()) { tooltip.add(new StringTextComponent(fluid.getAmount() + "mB / 20000mB")); } else { tooltip.add(new StringTextComponent(fluid.getAmount() / 1000 + "B / 20B")); } super.addInformation(stack, worldIn, tooltip, flagIn); } @Override public ICapabilityProvider initCapabilities(ItemStack stack, @Nullable CompoundNBT nbt) { if(this.getClass() == CanisterItem.class) return new FluidBucketWrapper(stack); else return super.initCapabilities(stack, nbt); } public Supplier<? extends Fluid> getFluid() { return supplier; } public FluidStack getContents() { if(fluid == null) fluid = new FluidStack(supplier.get(), 20000); return fluid; } }
  8. I figured it out: @Override public CompoundNBT getUpdateTag() { return write(new CompoundNBT()); } @Override public void handleUpdateTag(CompoundNBT tag) { read(tag); }
  9. I don't know where you see IInventory and how would I sync my fluid data to the client?
  10. public class ElectrolyzerTileEntity extends LockableLootTileEntity implements ITickableTileEntity { public FluidTank tank1, tank2, tank3, tank4, tank5; public int cookTime, cookTimeTotal; public ElectrolyzerRecipe recipe; private NonNullList<ItemStack> contents = NonNullList.withSize(getSizeInventory(), ItemStack.EMPTY); protected int numPlayersUsing; private IItemHandlerModifiable items = createHandler(); private LazyOptional<IItemHandlerModifiable> itemHandler = LazyOptional.of(() -> items); private LazyOptional<IFluidHandler> tank1Handler = LazyOptional.of(() -> tank1); // private LazyOptional<IFluidHandler> tank2Handler = LazyOptional.of(() -> tank2); // private LazyOptional<IFluidHandler> tank3Handler = LazyOptional.of(() -> tank3); // private LazyOptional<IFluidHandler> tank4Handler = LazyOptional.of(() -> tank4); // private LazyOptional<IFluidHandler> tank5Handler = LazyOptional.of(() -> tank5); public ElectrolyzerTileEntity(TileEntityType<?> type) { super(type); tank1 = new FluidTank(20000); tank2 = new FluidTank(20000); tank3 = new FluidTank(20000); tank4 = new FluidTank(20000); tank5 = new FluidTank(20000); } public ElectrolyzerTileEntity() { this(TileEntityInit.ELECTROLYZER.get()); } @Override public void tick() { if(isIngredient(getStackInSlot(0))) { tank1.fill(new FluidStack(((BucketItem) getStackInSlot(0).getItem()).getFluid(), 20000), FluidAction.EXECUTE); setInventorySlotContents(0, new ItemStack(Items.BUCKET)); } if(isIngredient(tank1.getFluid())) { if(recipe == null) { recipe = getRecipe(tank1.getFluid()); cookTimeTotal = recipe.getCookTime(); cookTime = 0; } if(canCook()) { if(cookTime == cookTimeTotal) { tank1.drain(recipe.getIngredient().getAmount(), FluidAction.EXECUTE); tank2.fill(recipe.getResult1(), FluidAction.EXECUTE); tank3.fill(recipe.getResult2(), FluidAction.EXECUTE); tank4.fill(recipe.getResult3(), FluidAction.EXECUTE); tank5.fill(recipe.getResult4(), FluidAction.EXECUTE); if(recipe.getIngredient().getFluid() == FluidInit.SEAWATER.get()) { if(getStackInSlot(3).isEmpty()) setInventorySlotContents(3, new ItemStack(ItemInit.CAUSTIC_SODA.get(), 0)); getStackInSlot(3).grow(1); } recipe = null; cookTime = 0; } else cookTime++; } else cookTime = 0; } else cookTime = 0; SpaceMod.LOGGER.info(tank1.getFluid().getFluid() + " : " + tank1.getFluid().getAmount()); } @Override public int getSizeInventory() { return 5; } @Override public NonNullList<ItemStack> getItems() { return contents; } @Override protected void setItems(NonNullList<ItemStack> items) { contents = items; } @Override protected ITextComponent getDefaultName() { return new TranslationTextComponent("container.space.electrolyzer"); } @Override protected Container createMenu(int id, PlayerInventory player) { return new ElectrolyzerContainer(id, player, this); } @Override public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT compound) { compound.putInt("cookTime", cookTime); compound.putInt("cookTimeTotal", cookTimeTotal); compound.put("tank1", tank1.writeToNBT(new CompoundNBT())); // compound.put("tank2", tank2.writeToNBT(compound)); // compound.put("tank3", tank3.writeToNBT(compound)); // compound.put("tank4", tank4.writeToNBT(compound)); // compound.put("tank5", tank5.writeToNBT(compound)); if(!checkLootAndWrite(compound)) ItemStackHelper.saveAllItems(compound, contents); return super.write(compound); } @Override public void read(CompoundNBT compound) { super.read(compound); cookTime = compound.getInt("cookTime"); cookTimeTotal = compound.getInt("cookTimeTotal"); tank1.readFromNBT(compound.getCompound("tank1")); // tank2.readFromNBT(compound.getCompound("tank2")); // tank3.readFromNBT(compound.getCompound("tank3")); // tank4.readFromNBT(compound.getCompound("tank4")); // tank5.readFromNBT(compound.getCompound("tank5")); contents = NonNullList.withSize(getSizeInventory(), ItemStack.EMPTY); if(!checkLootAndRead(compound)) ItemStackHelper.loadAllItems(compound, contents); } @Override public boolean receiveClientEvent(int id, int type) { if(id == 1) { numPlayersUsing = type; return true; } return super.receiveClientEvent(id, type); } @Override public void openInventory(PlayerEntity player) { if(!player.isSpectator()) { if(numPlayersUsing < 0) numPlayersUsing = 0; numPlayersUsing++; onOpenOrClose(); } } @Override public void closeInventory(PlayerEntity player) { if(!player.isSpectator()) { numPlayersUsing++; onOpenOrClose(); } } protected void onOpenOrClose() { Block block = getBlockState().getBlock(); if(block instanceof ElectrolyzerBlock) { world.addBlockEvent(pos, block, 1, numPlayersUsing); world.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(pos, block); } } public static int getPlayersUsing(IBlockReader reader, BlockPos pos) { if(reader.getBlockState(pos).hasTileEntity()) { TileEntity te = reader.getTileEntity(pos); if(te instanceof ElectrolyzerTileEntity) return ((ElectrolyzerTileEntity) te).numPlayersUsing; } return 0; } public static void swapContents(ElectrolyzerTileEntity te, ElectrolyzerTileEntity otherTe) { NonNullList<ItemStack> list = te.getItems(); te.setItems(otherTe.getItems()); otherTe.setItems(list); } @Override public void updateContainingBlockInfo() { super.updateContainingBlockInfo(); if(itemHandler != null) { itemHandler.invalidate(); itemHandler = null; } // if(tank1Handler != null) // { // tank1Handler.invalidate(); // tank1Handler = null; // } } @Override public <T> LazyOptional<T> getCapability(@Nonnull Capability<T> cap, @Nonnull Direction side) { if(cap == CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY) return itemHandler.cast(); // if(cap == CapabilityFluidHandler.FLUID_HANDLER_CAPABILITY) return tank1Handler.cast(); // if(cap == CapabilityFluidHandler.FLUID_HANDLER_CAPABILITY && side == Direction.NORTH) return tank2Handler.cast(); // if(cap == CapabilityFluidHandler.FLUID_HANDLER_CAPABILITY && side == Direction.EAST) return tank3Handler.cast(); // if(cap == CapabilityFluidHandler.FLUID_HANDLER_CAPABILITY && side == Direction.SOUTH) return tank4Handler.cast(); // if(cap == CapabilityFluidHandler.FLUID_HANDLER_CAPABILITY && side == Direction.WEST) return tank5Handler.cast(); return super.getCapability(cap); } private IItemHandlerModifiable createHandler() { return new InvWrapper(this); } @Override public void remove() { super.remove(); if(itemHandler != null) itemHandler.invalidate(); // if(tank1Handler != null) tank1Handler.invalidate(); } private boolean isIngredient(FluidStack stack) { if(stack.getFluid() == Fluids.WATER) return true; if(stack.getFluid() == FluidInit.SEAWATER.get()) return true; return false; } public boolean isIngredient(ItemStack stack) { if(stack.getItem() == Items.WATER_BUCKET) return true; if(stack.getItem() == ItemInit.SEAWATER_BUCKET.get()) return true; return false; } private boolean canCook() { boolean isPowered = true; if(isPowered) { return tank1.getCapacity() >= recipe.getIngredient().getAmount() && (tank2.isEmpty() || (tank2.getFluid().getFluid() == recipe.getResult1().getFluid() && tank2.getCapacity() + recipe.getResult1().getAmount() <= 20000)) && (tank3.isEmpty() || (tank3.getFluid().getFluid() == recipe.getResult2().getFluid() && tank3.getCapacity() + recipe.getResult2().getAmount() <= 20000)) && (tank4.isEmpty() || (tank4.getFluid().getFluid() == recipe.getResult3().getFluid() && tank4.getCapacity() + recipe.getResult3().getAmount() <= 20000)) && (tank5.isEmpty() || (tank5.getFluid().getFluid() == recipe.getResult4().getFluid() && tank5.getCapacity() + recipe.getResult4().getAmount() <= 20000)) && recipe.getIngredient().getFluid() == FluidInit.SEAWATER.get() ? ((getStackInSlot(3).getItem() == ItemInit.CAUSTIC_SODA.get() && getStackInSlot(3).getCount() <= 63) || getStackInSlot(3).isEmpty()) : true; } return false; } private ElectrolyzerRecipe getRecipe(FluidStack ingredient) { if(ingredient.getFluid() == Fluids.WATER) return new ElectrolyzerRecipe(60, new FluidStack(Fluids.WATER, 1000), new FluidStack(FluidInit.HYDROGEN.get(), 500), new FluidStack(FluidInit.OXYGEN.get(), 250), FluidStack.EMPTY, FluidStack.EMPTY); if(ingredient.getFluid() == FluidInit.SEAWATER.get()) return new ElectrolyzerRecipe(60, new FluidStack(FluidInit.SEAWATER.get(), 1000), new FluidStack(FluidInit.HYDROGEN.get(), 500), new FluidStack(FluidInit.CHLORINE.get(), 500), FluidStack.EMPTY, FluidStack.EMPTY); return null; } public FluidTank getTank(int index) { switch(index) { case 1: return tank1; case 2: return tank2; case 3: return tank3; case 4: return tank4; case 5: return tank5; default: return tank1; } } }
  11. I'm sorry I was confused. I made a separate one. But it still says that there is only fluid on the Server thread and not the Render thread.
  12. @Override public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT compound) { compound.putInt("cookTime", cookTime); compound.putInt("cookTimeTotal", cookTimeTotal); compound.put("tank1", tank1.writeToNBT(compound)); if(!checkLootAndWrite(compound)) ItemStackHelper.saveAllItems(compound, contents); return super.write(compound); } @Override public void read(CompoundNBT compound) { super.read(compound); cookTime = compound.getInt("cookTime"); cookTimeTotal = compound.getInt("cookTimeTotal"); tank1.readFromNBT(compound.getCompound("tank1")); contents = NonNullList.withSize(getSizeInventory(), ItemStack.EMPTY); if(!checkLootAndRead(compound)) ItemStackHelper.loadAllItems(compound, contents); }
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