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Everything posted by squidlex

  1. After using mods such as 'Armor Toughness Bar' and 'Rustic' for reference, I am rendering my GUI above the foodbar in a manner that will automatically make room for other mods by using if (event.getType() == ElementType.FOOD) The issue is that if any other mod cancels this event, (to hide or replace the hunger bar) then my GUI is not rendered. Is there a workaround for this so that my GUI will still appear correctly above or below GUIs added by other mods?
  2. I am trying to stop my ClientTickEvent from running when the game itself is paused. Whilst I could check to see if the player has a Gui/Screen open, this would prevent the code from running when the game is paused on a server or LAN World, which I don't want. How can I check if the game itself is not paused? I know I could use the PlayerTickEvent for this, however I want to use the ClientTickEvent as I am interacting with Client Side values for my GUI.
  3. Hi! I am sending a message to the server from the player using this: PacketHandler.instance.send(PacketDistributor.SERVER.noArg(), new SWeightMessage(intWeight)); When it arrives it updates the player's capability like so. @Override public void handle(SWeightMessage message, Supplier<Context> supplier) { supplier.get().enqueueWork(() -> { supplier.get().getSender().getCapability(WeightProvider.WEIGHT_CAP).ifPresent(w -> { w.set(message.weight); }); }); supplier.get().setPacketHandled(true); } The issue is that this is changing the Weight of EVERY player to this value and I have no idea why. Any help would be greatly appreciated! This message is fired from the client everytime they equip or unequip an item of armor or join the world.
  4. Thank you for the answer and additional detail!
  5. Hi! I'm updating a 1.12 mod to 1.16 and can't figure out how to transfer Strings through packets. This used to be ByteBufUtils.writeUTF8String(buffer) but I don't know how to do this in later versions. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. All I needed was a not null check.. Thank you so much!
  7. Hey there, I'm trying to create ModConfig dependent text as a tooltip to be added to all items. The best way to do this would be to use the Item Tooltip Event, however this runs before the Config is loaded. I'd imagine there's obviously no way for me to change when the event is fired, so is there a way to add text when the player joins the world? I'm already using the Render Tooltip Event (Which fires when the tooltip is rendered and therefore the ModConfig is loaded) for other things such as icons, so I know it doesn't allow me to adjust text. Thank you for your help!
  8. Hi! I'm trying to figure out how to get a potion by its registry name (So it can be added to my Mod config). Is there any way to achieve this? The only method I've found is (off the top of my head) Potion.getPotionById() Thanks for your help!
  9. Hi! I'm cancelling the Living Hurt Event forge provides, which is working as expected and preventing any player damage. The player however is flashing red and playing the hit effect sound. Is there any way to disable this? -Note I am also cancelling the Knockback event. Thanks for your help!
  10. Perfect, thank you
  11. A quick follow up question, how would I check if this is the currently active step?
  12. Thank you, I'll do that!
  13. Hey! I'm trying to add a tutorial step between 'MovementStep' and 'FindTreeStep'. It seems simple enough, but I'm trying to find a clean way to do this. Thanks for your help!
  14. hahaha I'm very tired. (and an idiot from the looks of things)
  15. Thanks Diesieben! I added this to my Utils class. I used this for reference whilst doing it, thanks Tavi!
  16. Hi! I'm trying to get the total enchantment level of a specific enchantment equipped when wearing armor. For example, if the player has: Boots with CUSTOM_ENCH V Helmet with CUSTOM_ENCH III I will get the value 5 + 3 = 8. I've figured out how to get the max level, (e.g. the example above would return 5 as it's larger than 3), however I haven't figured out how to get the cumulative value. Thanks for your help!
  17. This is perfect, thank you!
  18. Hi, I'm trying to detect when the player wakes up in the morning. The Player Wakes Up Event is firing whenever I press wake up.. So I'm wondering if there's a workaround to only run my code if the player slept through the night? Checking if the world is daytime isn't working, as the event seems to fire before the time is changed. Thanks for your help!
  19. I have a custom HUD above the hunger bar that I want to imitate the 'wave' effect applied on the player's hearts when they have the regeneration effect. I've tried to make sense of the Class for this, however it seems incredibly confusing as the variables are very shortly named. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Of course I'm not asking for someone to do this for me, just if anyone knows any tips or pointers to get me started.
  20. I see, thank you so much for all your help!
  21. Thank you! My Potion isn't using Attribute modifiers however, is there a way I can still use this?
  22. I'm currently using a tick event to check if the Player has the Potion Effect, with a Boolean Capability to only run the code on the first tick of the potion effect being applied. PSEUDOCODE: tickEvent(PlayerTickEvent event) { if(we're on the server){ if(player doesn't have effect capability && player has potion effect) { // Do stuff give player active effect capability; } else if (player has effect capability && player does not have potion effect) { // Do stuff remove player active effect capability } } } The issue here is that if the potion effect is applied again whilst the player has it, the first line of code doesn't run. Is there a workaround to this? Thanks for your help!
  23. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows the best way to attach a custom attribute to a pre-existing entity. Thanks for your help!
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