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Everything posted by Alpvax

  1. The best approach is to do what vanilla beds and doors do i.e. have multiple blocks placed when you place the item. Then when you break any of the blocks, break them all and drop a single item.
  2. There are 2 approaches to fix that: either increase the frequency and reduce the damage (e.g. % 10 do 0.75 damage) so that they have less chance to escape (but don't die instantly). Alternatively, perform the check every tick, but save whether or not the player was on the blade the previous tick, and if not, start damaging once/sec. This approach requires you to save the tick that the player stepped on the blade however (and check that `(current tick - start tick) % 20 = 0`) as well as whether or not the player was previously on the blade. I would suggest using capabilities (or at the minimum an NBT tag containing your modid) for this approach
  3. Did you make sure to call `Registration.init()` from your main mod constructor?
  4. It is called setParticleSpeed using the mojang mappings, I'm not sure what it's called using the MCP ones, sorry.
  5. Unfortunately I haven't actually looked at particles before, so can't be much help. However, if you look at the source of the constructor you are using you can see that it divides the velocity by the magnitude of the velocity (plus some other maths) so the particles won't move very far/fast. I would suggest experimenting with the `setParticleSpeed` method, which just sets the raw values.
  6. Yes, although if you have a server side container (which I assume you do for a BlockEntity based GUI) then you should only need the first part, as you already know the block entity.
  7. Don't EVER trust the client to report the correct amounts. Do all calculation of amount on the server, and just send "client requested X amount" to the server. The server should then verify that there is that amount in the block before giving it to the player. The client should never tell the server what the new amount in the block is.
  8. Yes, the eye height is the height difference between the player's feet and their eyes. You still need to use the player's y position as a baseline (i.e. getPosY() + getEyeHeight()).
  9. For position, I believe that the player position is where the player's feet are, so you should probably add an offset to fix that (player eye height would be a useful start point, but I'm not sure how it would look to spawn particles inside the player's head). As for the speed, that should probably be the player's look vector scaled by some amount (depending on how fast you want the particles to travel).
  10. PipeBlock uses blockstates to save the sides, and as a result can only have "connected" or "not connected" variants (it's the base for the chorus plant blocks). It doesn't help with having multiple parts possible for each side as well as "not connected" (for example my wire was initially 3 possibilities per side = 3⁶ = 729 states). For that you would need to have a dynamic model and use the modelData from the BlockEntity.
  11. You need to have a single block which can render any combination of "parts" on each side. I would suggest using a multipart model and using the modelData to decide which parts to render. I have some code I used before here, using a custom model but I was experimenting at the time, and the code is very messy. Edit: removed link to old, confusing code In essence, I had an enum for which part was on a face, and a model for each part, which I then combined with a rotation based on each face to produce the correct result. You might need a custom baked model, as I had (with custom loader I believe is necessary, but I can't really remember), or you might be able to use the standard multipart model. In my BlockEntity I had the following: private final Map<Direction, ConnectionState> connections = Util.make(Maps.newEnumMap(Direction.class), (map) -> { for (Direction d : Direction.values()) { map.put(d, ConnectionState.NONE); } }); @Nonnull @Override public IModelData getModelData() { ModelDataMap.Builder b = new ModelDataMap.Builder(); connections.forEach((d, s) -> b.withInitial(BakedWireModel.DIRECTION_DATA.get(d), s.getString())); return b.build(); } Unfortunately I don't know how much of the above has changed. (That was originally made for early 1.16.)
  12. Make sure your file encoding is set to unicode (utf-8). But you should probably be using translation TextComponents and putting your text in the ru_ru.json language file (note that you will need to have an en-us translation to see it on the server side, as the server doesn't load other languages).
  13. No, it doesn't. For each player on the server wearing the helmet, the game would freeze for 1 second each tick (there should be 20 per second). This would mean that if there were 2 players wearing the helmet, 1 in-game second would take about 40 seconds, otherwise known as the game freezing.
  14. Get the x and z positions of the bounding box, and only check the blocks that those positions are in (e.g if AABB is x = -0.2 to 0.8, and z = 1.6 - 2.6 then you need to check the blocks at: (-1, y, 1), (0, y, 1), (-1, y, 2) & (0, y, 2) (use floor to find the integers to get the blockPos)). That way you only check the 4 blocks that you know the player is standing in.
  15. You can't do that. "Every game tick while this is equipped, add a 1 second delay". You need to either count ticks (probably updating the item NBT so that it carries over saves) or check the time (probably save the "lastLightningTime" to NBT and compare it against the level time. Alternatively you could just do level time % 1000, but then everyone wearing the helmet would have lightning at the same time). As for your actual request, you need to loop through all blocks above the player position (player y to world height), and check that they are air.
  16. Bear in mind that players are 2 blocks tall, and I believe that the position is where their feet are. You need to either check whether or not the player's AABB is inside a block (i.e. loop through all blockpos which the AABB intersects with and check the block), or you need to use the position of the player's eyes. It depends what you are trying to achieve
  17. I haven't done anything with entity renderers in a very long time, but it might be because your whole model is being rotated. If this is the case, you probably have the vine rotating further/faster than the grass. One thing that might fix your issue would be to rotate the grass in the opposite direction (so the whole model rotates, but the grass is rotated back the other way so it is in the same orientation).
  18. Try checking whether the other block is`this` (which is an easier way to check if it it red slime). If it is, return true. If it is not this block, but is sticky (or it is slime or honey, because you say they do not return true for isSticky), return false. Otherwise (for all other blocks) return true.
  19. Why? If it has moved so it is above where it started, stop. That's why your tick method only runs once. I imagine that things are going wrong because you're using a client-side only Entity. Just do what the FallingBlockEntity does and use the same Entity both sides
  20. Should that deprecation / sustainance be the other way around? Or am I mistaken and 1.16 is being kept as LTS?
  21. In the "tick" method , you need to set the y component of the deltaMovement to be positive (to rise) or negative (to fall). The exact value that you use will determine how fast. //FallingBlockEntity uses the following values (when gravity is not disabled) //by adding the velocity, it allows the entity to have smooth movement and allows directions other than straight down this.setDeltaMovement(this.getDeltaMovement().add(0.0D, -0.04D, 0.0D)); Looking at the tick method of the FallingBlockEntity class it may give you a better idea of how it works.
  22. I would do it by creating a subclass of FallingBlock (if it is still called that) and adding a targetHeight field, then making the block "fall" or "rise" to meet that height, before turning into the specified block. That way most of the code should be reusable from the parent class. You will have to register it as a new EntityType. Then when your block rises, you create a new instance of your entity, with the targetHeight one block higher than the current y position.
  23. You should attach it to any itemstacks which might use it at any point in the future (so if is based on an enchantment, you only have to attach it to items which can be affected by that enchantment for example)
  24. Always attach the capability provider to the item and add the check to the getCapability method of the provider instead. AttachCapabilitiesEvent is only fired when items are created
  25. You must have a licence to drive a car. "Must is a strong word, the car runs without it". Just because it works doesn't mean that it won't cause you problems down the line. And if you do it correctly from the start, you won't have to spend the time finding and fixing bugs later on.
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