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Everything posted by QuantumSoul

  1. You should research about "connected textures"
  2. 1. Why do you call MyFeature.init() in the FMLModLoadingEvent ? MyFeature#init is an empty method, it's useless ? 2. Your log says your registry object (probably OIL_FEATURE) is null. It is null because you never registered your DeferredRegistry. You first should move these: public static final DeferredRegister<Feature<?>> FEATURES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.FEATURES,ExampleMod.MODID); public static final RegistryObject<OilFeature> OIL_FEATURE = FEATURES.register("oil_feature", () -> new OilFeature(OilFeatureConfig.CODEC)); Somewhere else outside of MyFeature class. I recommend creating a FeatureInit or GenerationInit class where you'd put all the feature registrations. After that you can register the DeferredRegistry in your Main file's constructor: final IEventBus eventBus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus(); FeatureInit.FEATURES.register(eventBus); 3, You should basically delete that whole MyFeature class since it's useless. And change MyFeature with FeatureInit in your WorldGen class
  3. Solved, the problem was that I gave a null BlockState to my SurfaceBuilderConfig. I also had to register features, placements(decorators) and ruletests
  4. Hello, When I try to load a world or open the world gen settings menu, the game crashes. I realized this error happens only when I register my Biomes but I don't understand why. My Biomes are registered like this: public static final DeferredRegister<Biome> BIOMES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.BIOMES, BinaryMod.MOD_ID); public static final RegistryObject<Biome> MY_BIOME = BIOMES.register("my_biome", Biomes::makeMyBiome); Biomes#makeMyBiome method: private static final Lazy<ConfiguredSurfaceBuilder<SurfaceBuilderConfig>> BINARY_SURFACE_BUILDER = () -> GenerationInit.BINARY_SURFACE_BUILDER.get().func_242929_a(new SurfaceBuilderConfig(BlockInit.BINARY_BLOCK.get().getDefaultState(), BlockInit.ON_BINARY_BLOCK.get().getDefaultState(), null)); public static Biome makeBinaryBiome() { MobSpawnInfo.Builder spawns = new MobSpawnInfo.Builder(); BinDimBiomeFeatures.addBinDimSpawns(spawns); BiomeGenerationSettings.Builder gen = new BiomeGenerationSettings.Builder(); gen.withSurfaceBuilder(BINARY_SURFACE_BUILDER::get); BinDimBiomeFeatures.addOres(gen); BinDimBiomeFeatures.addBugVirus(gen); BinDimBiomeFeatures.addStructures(gen); int color = 0x00ff00; return new Biome.Builder() .precipitation(Biome.RainType.NONE).category(Biome.Category.NONE).depth(0.1F).downfall(0F).scale(0.02F).temperature(1.5F) .setEffects(new BiomeAmbience.Builder().setWaterColor(color).setWaterFogColor(color).setFogColor(color).withSkyColor(color).build()) .withMobSpawnSettings(spawns.copy()) .withGenerationSettings(gen.build()).build(); } BinDimBiomeFeatures basically adds features to the BiomeGenerationSettings.Builder Here's my whole project: https://github.com/BinaryQuantumSoul/BinaryMod/tree/1.16.5/src/main/java/com/quantumsoul/binarymod/world/biomes (1.16.5 Branch) Has anyone an idea about why it crashes ? Thanks in advance.
  5. You can use player.getServer().getWorld(DESTINATION); Where DESTINATION is the dimension RegistryKey<World> like World#THE_NETHER or your own
  6. I fixed it using the supplier version of BiomeGenerationSettings.Builder#withSurfaceBuilder()
  7. When you mean dynamically change: Is it a random change ? Do you configure texture in the block ? Does it have a small possibilities or can it be any block texture ? Depending of the case, you'd want to use blockstate or tileentities or neither. Concerning the render, you need custom IModelLoader, IModelGeometry and/or IDynamicBakedModel
  8. You should set the mappings in your build.gradle: mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: '20201028-1.16.3'
  9. Hi, I have a custom biome which uses a custom surface builder: public static final RegistryObject<SurfaceBuilder<SurfaceBuilderConfig>> BINARY_SURFACE_BUILDER = SURFACE_BUILDERS.register("binary_surface_builder", () -> new BinarySurfaceBuilder(SurfaceBuilderConfig.field_237203_a_)); public static final RegistryObject<Biome> BINARY_BIOME = BIOMES.register("binary_biome", Biomes::makeBinaryBiome); However, the biome is registered frist so I have an error since it uses the unregistered SurfaceBuilder: public static Biome makeBinaryBiome() { MobSpawnInfo.Builder spawns = new MobSpawnInfo.Builder(); BinDimBiomeFeatures.addBinDimSpawns(spawns); BiomeGenerationSettings.Builder gen = new BiomeGenerationSettings.Builder(); gen.withSurfaceBuilder(GenerationInit.BINARY_SURFACE_BUILDER.get().func_242929_a(new SurfaceBuilderConfig(BlockInit.BINARY_BLOCK.get().getDefaultState(), BlockInit.ON_BINARY_BLOCK.get().getDefaultState(), null))); //^^ error ^^ BinDimBiomeFeatures.addOres(gen); BinDimBiomeFeatures.addBugVirus(gen); BinDimBiomeFeatures.addStructures(gen); int color = 0x00ff00; return new Biome.Builder() .precipitation(Biome.RainType.NONE).category(Biome.Category.NONE).depth(0.1F).downfall(0F).scale(0.02F).temperature(1.5F) .setEffects(new BiomeAmbience.Builder().setWaterColor(color).setWaterFogColor(color).setFogColor(color).withSkyColor(color).build()) .withMobSpawnSettings(spawns.copy()) .withGenerationSettings(gen.build()).build(); } I tried setting the BiomeGenerationSettings in the BiomeLoadingEvent but I have an error with makeBinaryBiome since it cannot build without BiomeGenerationSettings What is the right way to fix this ? Thanks in advance.
  10. Can't you do the rotations in getMimicQuads using the provided BlockState ?
  11. I pushed to github so you can see the problem: https://github.com/BinaryQuantumSoul/BinaryMod Take bitcoins in your inventory Open a Computer, put a Dark Net and click load Buy any item Now drop the just bought item, and take it back, buy another one and mess around, You'll see what I mean
  12. Well there's a list of items, I click on it and it used bitcoins in the inventory to buy it. It add the item to the inventory as well as the remaining money
  13. It buys an item using bitcoins you have in your inventory
  14. But I'm in client, should I send a packet in my packet ?
  15. I right click on my block, there's a button on the gui. Well it adds the right items to my inventory, but when I drop them some don't come back in the inventory, others take half a second, and some come twice. I think the bug is because I call buyRecipe() twice. I was told if I change the inventory in the container both client and server are updated but idk why it did only the job client side. That's why I also send a packet
  16. Well that's the point of this thread
  17. Yes use Block#onEntityCollision
  18. What is it for ? Can't you use Block#onEntityCollision or Block#onEntityWalk?
  19. Hey, I don't know what to do: I have a custom GUI which changes the content of the player's inventory. I first tried sending a packet, but change was done in server and not in client. I was then told using the container would not require packets, so that's what I've done but it was not done in server. I finally combined both and I still have some weird item-disappearing bugs. When I click in the GUI BuyRecipe function BtcBuyPacket The container Thanks in advance
  20. Ok thanks Makes sense now https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/1.14.x/networking/simpleimpl/
  21. 1. Why ? I was not sure about it 2. I thought it was logical since it's sent by server 3. Problem solved using context.get().enqueueWork(() -> { TileEntity te = ((ClientPlayNetHandler)context.get().getNetworkManager().getNetHandler()).getWorld().getTileEntity(packet.pos); if (te instanceof BitcoinTileEntity) ((BitcoinTileEntity) te).resetValue(); }); context.get().setPacketHandled(true); 4. Forge docs talk about world.isBlockLoaded(BlockPos) should I add it here ? It's deprecated so idk
  22. My Block: public ActionResultType onBlockActivated(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player, Hand hand, BlockRayTraceResult rayTraceResult) { if (!world.isRemote) { final TileEntity tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(pos); if (tileEntity instanceof BitcoinMinerBlock) if (!((BitcoinMinerBlock) tileEntity).execute(player)) return ActionResultType.FAIL; } return ActionResultType.SUCCESS; } BitcoinTileEntity#execute: public boolean execute(PlayerEntity player) { if (value >= 1.0D) { for (ItemStack stack : getBitcoinStacks(value)) player.addItemStackToInventory(stack); value = 0.0D; NetworkInit.CHANNEL.send(PacketDistributor.PLAYER.with(() -> (ServerPlayerEntity) player), new BtcResetValuePacket(pos)); return true; } return false; } I checked and player is a ServerPlayerEntity And here's my handle function in BtcResetValuePacket: public static void handle(BtcResetValuePacket packet, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> context) { context.get().enqueueWork(() -> { TileEntity te = context.get().getSender().world.getTileEntity(packet.pos); if (te instanceof BitcoinTileEntity) ((BitcoinTileEntity) te).resetValue(); }); context.get().setPacketHandled(true); } I get a NPE at Context#getSender. And BitcoinTileEntity#resetValue @OnlyIn(Dist.CLIENT) public void resetValue() { value = 0; }
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