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Everything posted by Tewott

  1. i mean i always make a new class for each slab properties but i was wondering if there was any way for all the slabs to use the same properties without creating many classes here's an example of a class package com.tewott.graniteworld.blocks; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.SlabBlock; import net.minecraft.block.SoundType; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; public class green_granite_slab extends SlabBlock { public green_granite_slab() { super(Block.Properties.create(Material.IRON) .sound(SoundType.STONE) .hardnessAndResistance(1.8f) ); setRegistryName("green_granite_slab"); } } I’m newbie in this, sorry if I have difficulty explaining.
  2. Is there a way to create a single class to register similar blocks easily? I'm creating a mod that contains slabs, but making a class file for each one is a very long and tedious task
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