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Everything posted by vrwim

  1. If you use eclipse, you should see an arrow to indicate that it has successfully overridden a method. If you don't see that, you will have to use a serverTickHandler: and then use some of the info from this tutorial: where you don't add a potion effect, but instead use player.capabilities.allowFlying = true; Can you try that and report back if that works?
  2. tyvm, now this part of my mod is fully functional, and I'd like to add, for anyone that reads this topic to find the same answer I was looking for: onItemUse(...) is only called when you right-click on a block, I fixed this by using onItemRightClick(...) and returning the same ItemStack you got from the parameters, just browse the Item class for it
  3. I am now getting the error: net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityClientPlayerMP cannot be cast to net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP, but not everytime when I rightclick with this item, most of the times it just doesn't do anything... Code: public boolean onItemUse(ItemStack par1ItemStack, EntityPlayer player, World par3World, int par4, int par5, int par6, int par7, float par8, float par9, float par10) { ChunkCoordinates spawn = player.getBedLocation(); ((EntityPlayerMP) player).playerNetServerHandler.setPlayerLocation(spawn.posX, spawn.posY, spawn.posZ, player.rotationYaw, player.rotationPitch); return true; }
  4. I have made a new enchantment and I want to make an entity, slain by a weapon with this echantment, have a chance to drop its spawn egg. Now I have this class with my @ForgeSubscribe above onDeath: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/40be8997 And my custom enchantment is here: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/a89dfd2f If you would want to see my @Mod file(probably not, because the WorldEvents class works, but here it is): http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/be0d5688 I currently have it dropping skulls, just to test this, but eventually I'd like to add a random chance to drop its spawn egg. I think the error lies in the fact that EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel(SquazerMod.vawku.effectId, wpn) returns 0, which it shouldn't, as I am killing mobs with a vawku IV enchanted sword...
  5. Ok, thanks for the quick reply! That worked to get the spawning coordinates
  6. I want to create an item that respawns you at your current spawnpoint (bed or original spawn). Now I came across EntityPlayer.spawnLocation which is private, how can I reach this or respawn the player in another way?
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