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Everything posted by FinnT730

  1. FinnT730


    Please do not make random threads to spam the forums
  2. FinnT730


    Please do not make random threads to spam the forums
  3. Please talk English. This is a English speaking Forum
  4. @bluecoin Please read the FAQ before posting logs. We prefer you using Pastebin.com for posting logs. Just put the log on pastebin, and then put the link in your post. This will prevent spam on the forums, and prevent your post from being blocked.
  5. @Peekofwar It might be that you just need to close the game, and log out of the launcher and then back in again. Might be very well that the Microsoft Servers could not verify you on time, and you got that message.
  6. This is does not work on Bedrock. The original question is also a few years old. And was not even meant for Forge. Forge does not work on Bedrock either.
  7. Why did you change the link in your quote? Is the circle generator that you are linking something you made, or.....?
  8. Please ask on the Mcreator forums for help. They also have a discord. 99% of people here have no idea how to use Mcreator, as we use Java to make our mods, and not a generator like Mcreator
  9. 2 things, 1. English please. This is a English forum, and we like to keep it that way. And 2. Please go to the Essential people for support, a sit is clear that their mod is broken. This has nothing to do with forge.
  10. Very likely that you used outdated tutorials. It is Level, since like... 1.17 IIRC. This is also depended on Vanilla that changed it
  11. Please ask the Archlight people. Forge has nothing to do with Archlight as they are custom software to make Plugins work on Forge.
  12. You can't. There might be a way to regenerate the original chunks, but any and all modded things that were there or even entities, will be gone. How to do this regeneration, I have no idea.
  13. Why are you decompiling mods? As to why it likely does not work, is because of Mcreator. It is not great to make mods with it.
  14. I think most people don't even read it, since everything under 1.15.2 is not supported anymore, and yet, people still ask for it. Even tough it is at the top of every page.
  15. 1.8.9 is not supported anymore. Please update to an modern version.
  16. FinnT730


    Thanks to me? 🙃
  17. FinnT730


    Hello!! Hope you have a good day! (Hi Lex / Dies )
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