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Everything posted by Dannyflame98

  1. If only i knew how to animate the block.
  2. how do you get it to change its texture on an item rightclick?
  3. I also want to know how to do this (Spawn holding an item not picking up)
  4. I got it working! It is working unbelievably well. the problem was i forgot to register the files of the entity in clientproxy. Thanx guys! Now I just need to figure out how to get its ears to move in synch with the head
  5. Here is a tutorial for it. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1154044-147forge19213-duckys-modding-tutorials-make-your-blocks-nice/
  6. Still not working. I tried it and my mob's pieces were scrambled. I tried making another mob (Different model and entity code) and it ended up getting the player model instead. this is messed up.
  7. I too want to know this.
  8. How to i give a mob custom motions when moving? I just can't get it to work. when i try adding rotations into the model file it works fine but the mob looks like every piece of it has been scrambled in a jumble. If anyone knows what im doing wrong please help! :'(
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