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vemerion last won the day on April 19 2024

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  1. Best to use Global Loot Modifiers
  2. You should save a reference to it before you register it in AddReloadListenerEvent and then you can access that reference from wherever you need it. Here is an example of how Forge itself does it for the LootModifierManager.
  3. That completely depends on what your listener is for. For example, the vanilla RecipeManager has a method 'getRecipeFor()' which is used in various places, one of them being the furnace to see if an item can be smelted.
  4. You can look at the vanilla subclasses to get an idea of how to implement your PreparableReloadListener.
  5. Looks like you forgot to negate the 'warudo.isClientSide()' predicate
  6. You have to call CombatTracker.recordDamage() before you call die().
  7. You can use the 'MissingMappingsEvent' event
  8. You could use the BlockTags.MINEABLE_WITH_AXE tag.
  9. You can register an 'ItemColor' in the 'ColorHandlerEvent.Item' event.
  10. It was replaced with 'IForgeServerPlayer.openMenu()'
  11. You can use the BlockBehaviour.canBeReplaced() method
  12. You can look at the places where the method is called to get an idea of what arguments to supply.
  13. To create your own data driven system you can extends PreparableReloadListener (or its subclass SimpleJsonResourceReloadListener) and then register it in AddReloadListenerEvent.
  14. A block should never be bigger than the standard 16x16x16 size. If you need something bigger than that you should split it into several different blocks (like how tall grass does it).
  15. You need to add this field to the model json file of your block "render_type": "minecraft:cutout" or "render_type": "minecraft:translucent" depending on if if those parts are semi-transparent or fully transparent.
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