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  1. S E A R C H O N Y O U T U B E / G O O G L E. You will find some tutorials, so really? Dont be too lazy.
  2. I know how the modding basics/advanced works (not really advanced, just a little bit). And my last mod was in the 1.15.2 Version. Why not? Why its bad? You can override methods that you implemented, so i not see why not…
  3. Why not extends the TNT BlockClass?
  4. And show the logs. How can we help without any information.
  5. Yes, pls try using the DeferredRegister. You will find a lot of questions and answers on how this works. If not: https://thebookofmodding.ml/adding-custom-blocks/ Or on YT: Now try you self.
  6. Well, okay, then. I'm glad I have to admit that I didn't know how it worked myself, thanks
  7. I found this: The one important basic rule is that you cannot distribute anything we've developed unless we've given our express permission. By "not to distribute anything we have developed," we mean this: to give copies of our game to others, to use our developments in any form for commercial purposes, to try to make money with our developments, or provide other persons with access to our developments in an unfair or inappropriate manner, Everything's still going well here. But from here on, it gets confusing: This also includes U P D A T E S (idk what Mojan mean), patches, downloadable content, add-ons or modified versions of a game, parts of it or everything else we've made. So I don't really understand if the BiomeVotes and MobVotes is also a form of update or not, clearly not for me, but there are always people who don't see it that way and have different opinions. What do you think about it? Okay, I understand, but I want to do it legally so as not to take any risks. These people are violating the ToS of Mojang (you say they copied Minecraft even though you copied everything), which ends with a penalty if Minecraft finds out. If it ends that way, that's their problem. But this is starting to go offf-topic.
  8. Sure Ok, thanks. And so may I also use the idea with the RedDragon? A dragon is just theoretically an idea, so you can't copyright a dragon, but I'm not really familiar with IP (Intellectual Property). So that's why I ask it here. It is the correct category, isn't it? Then I guess I know where I can score. I probably won't find the answer, but I'd better try.
  9. I wondered, too, but you never know with copyright. I would rather wait for more answers before I start my mod, just to be on the safe side. Thanks for your answer.
  10. There's something called vanilla code. That should be enough. Then, to use the onItemRightClick method, simply create a new Item class that inherits the Item class and simply override the onRightClick method. I think this information should be enough. And one more thing: I'm not saying you did it, but remember not to ask for all the code. You can ask for information, but not a whole code. Just for to say XD.
  11. Hello, this is my third post! Well, I was gonna start working on a mod, and I was thinking: Why don't I just add the mobs that the Mojang didn't add? For the one who doesn't understand what I think, he should have a look at the old minecons. Last year the goat won, that doesn't mean I can't add a frog and a vulture, does it? I ask that because I'm very afraid of copyright. With real animals this shouldn't be a problem (frog, vulture, meerkat and ostrich), but I also thought of the 3 other monsters: Mob D - The Hovering Inferno, Mob A - The Monster of the Ocean Depths and Mob C - The Great Hunger A picture of all four who don't want to look up (I already say that I don't own these pictures, but the Mojang if I remember well): I know you won't understand my question, so in shorter words I wanted to add to my mod all the mobs that the Mojang didn't add to the vanilla, all the animals (list of animals is up there) and the 3 monsters (mob A, C and D, see picture). But I'm afraid because of the CopyRight and ask here right now. I know for sure that I can (hopefully) use animals, but I don't know if I can use the 3 mobs as well, since the Mojang had these ideas, they are theoretically under copyright. But since the Mojang gave up these ideas, I thought it might be possible to use the ideas after all. But, you never know with copyright, so I ask here. If you still don't understand my question, you can just say so that I can explain it easier. Thanks for reading.
  12. You just give me the inspiration to do the same (of course as soon as I know more about forge and complex stuff😅). https://thebookofmodding.ml/adding-custom-items/ package com.example.examplemod; import ...; public class RegistryHandler { // create DeferredRegister object public static final DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS, ExampleMod.MODID); public static void init() { // attach DeferredRegister to the event bus ITEMS.register(FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus()); } // register item public static final RegistryObject<Item> COPPER = ITEMS.register("copper", () -> new Item( new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS) ) ); } public static void init() { // attach DeferredRegister to the event bus ITEMS.register(FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus()); } Personally I register this here in the constructor of my main class, just confirm. And to keep everything organized, I create a class for every DeferredRegister (e.g. the Item DeferredRegister is in a class called "ModItems" and there are all my items), I do this for every DeferredRegister I use, but this is just a small detail and everybody has the freedom to do what he wants. (I register the bus in my mainclass constructor and separate the items from the blocks, the blocks from the potions etc.) https://thebookofmodding.ml/ I also wanted to ask (I know that 99.99% doesn't respect this anyway, but you should always do it) that you tell the readers on the start page that they should know Java first. As I said before, 99.99% of people don't read it and start right away, they get an error and ask you directly: - some guy: "Some kind of generic error", hey you! Can you please solve it for me directly? I don't understand anything about generics… - You: Have you at least learned Java? (The answer is already: NO) So you could also just the recommend readers java tutorials in the same way as cadiboo it did (bad english, srry): https://cadiboo.github.io/tutorials/Pre-requisites/ Last question: How did you create such a website? And do you pay to host it? I am interested in it myself (as I said before) and don't know if I should program my own website or rather use a website generator like: Github Beautiful Jekyll. Just asking (and I think it's one of the few website tutorials, though not the only one that supports DarkTheme. Sorry, but this is something to celebrate). Hope these tips will help you (sorry if it's a bit long) P.S.: https://thebookofmodding.ml/loot-tables/ https://thebookofmodding.ml/crafting-and-smeliting-recipes/ I would use a DataGenerator instead of doing this manually. If you want a tutorial about the DataGenerator: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datagen/intro/
  13. Ok, thanks a lot!
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