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Everything posted by Danebi

  1. One of your config files is invalid. Post the debug.log to know which.
  2. Known issue. Update forge.
  3. RafaAM-14 and mattypoppy123 make you own topic.
  4. 1.8 is no longer supported on this forum. Update to a modern version to receive support. If you have a problem make your own topic and post logs.
  5. You probably don't have the same problem. Make your topic and provide logs.
  6. Post the new debug.log.
  7. usefulbackpacks requires uteamcore or above. You have
  8. Show also a screenshot of the command line.
  9. Use pastebin or paste.gg.
  10. It's a file named 'debug.log' in your 'logs' folder.
  11. Post logs/debug.log.
  12. Post your logs/debug.log.
  13. You can use all the mods you want. Just place them in your 'mods' folder. Edit: Sorry, didnt understand your question...
  14. Use installations.
  15. 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. Update to a modern version to receive support.
  16. Post your log and code.
  17. Also, do you have a folder named assets.mtools or you have a folder named mtools inside of assets?
  18. It should be 'assets' Did you forgot to write the 'assets' folder or you placed it in the wrong folder? Same.
  19. Try to remove this file: C:\Users\conor\Desktop\Wildlands Mod egg\Wildlands Mod\run\config\fml.toml
  20. It is not it but from it i can tell you have jei for 1.16.1.
  21. Christ, almost all this code is useless...
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