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Everything posted by Beethoven92

  1. I am not sure i got what your problem is right, so..from what i understood you have now your custom ores correctly generating inside Quark and TerraForged blocks, which is what you want right? But you are also having vanilla stone ores generating inside the modded blocks, is this right? Maybe a screenshot where i can see what is happening would help
  2. There are many examples out there actually. Why don't you just look at other existing mods that depends on other mods to be installed? Look at the abnormals mods for example, which all requires Abnormals Core. See if you can find something useful in thei gradle setups
  3. Update your mappings guys, the unmapped function func_235861_h_() is now setRequiresTool().
  4. Looks great! Just watch out for the emerald ore though, i did a bit of a research myself and with the above method, emeralds appear to be still be generating in the world. This is because the feature responsible for placing emeralds in the world does not belong to OreFeature, but to ReplaceBlockFeature. Also do you mind about infested stone blocks (the silverfish block)? If you look at DefaultBiomeFeatures class you will see that they are generated in a different decoration stage, so if you want to remove those you will need to check also that decoration stage.
  5. yeah, the process is a bit tricky, specially if you do not know what is going on with all those casts. Well, i do not know about 1.14 but now ConfigureFeature has two arguments, so you write ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>
  6. Post your code so i see what you have tried
  7. That's not true, you can add the above annotation to your classes even in 1.16+, unless you are using a version of forge where some kind of bug prevents you from doing that. Of course you have to import Bus or just use Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD. As i said before, the code seems fine and i don't see any reason why it would cause problems with vanilla JSONs, unless i am missing something. I am afraid i have no clue where your issue is coming from ..try updating your forge version, and maybe start a fresh new project and see if the problem still appears.
  8. You're welcome, if you encounter other issues on this just ask!
  9. My bad! I completely forgot that those also generate during the UNDERGROUND_ORE stage. Then no more one-step lazy code, you have to loop through the features in the Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES stage. From every feature you need to retrieve its corresponding Block, and check for the ores you want to replace, COAL_ORE, IRON_ORE etc...so you can leave the stone variants "ores" intact. Hope i explained that clearly enough 🤔
  10. Improvement: just use yourBiome#getFeatures(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)#clear() to remove all vanilla ore generation in one go. Then add in your custom ore generation
  11. UNDERGROUND_ORES is the decoration stage you want to access, you are not going to remove the decoration stage, but rather a particular feature which generates during that stage, which in your case is the OreFeature. For example, look at how this simple mod overrides the vanilla swamp trees to add in their own custom ones, you can do the same with ores: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/swamp-expansion
  12. To remove features from a Biome you have to use yourBiome.getFeatures(DecorationStageYouWantToAccess).remove(configuredFeatureToRemove) Just insert there the values you need. To expand the FillerBlockType Enum with your custom filler block types just use the FillerBlockType#create function, so you will be able to generate ores replacing every block you want, including modded ones.
  13. Weird...I do not think the code is your problem here, but anyway show also your 'List' classes please
  14. This line: @EventBusSubscriber(modid = TestMod.MODID, bus = bus.MOD) has to go on top of the ModEventSubscriber class, and since you have two of those(which is not possibile to have), just keep the outer one, and delete the inner one, so the 3 methods you created(setups and onRegisterItems) are all inside the ModEventSubscriber class. Go here to see Cadiboo's example mod for reference: https://github.com/Cadiboo/Example-Mod
  15. All right, you should make a different post for that new kind of problems you are having now, but since you already made this post i will answer here. After that i suggest you make a new topic and specify the issues you are having. So, it seems to be that you should first of all take a look at a tutorial for the Java language, so you will have a clear understanding of what is going on here
  16. Run gradlew --refresh-dependencies , after that run gradlew clean, and finally setup your project again with gradlew genIntellijRuns Have you already tried this process ^ ?
  17. You're welcome. Also there are few pretty good tutorials on youtube, take a look at TurtyWurty channel and, TechnoVision (which i don't like it as much) that is doing a serie on 1.16 modding. These are all good resource to start minecraft modding, also Java understanding is absolutely required. Have fun modding!
  18. Be careful, i see that you are following a tutorial which works in 1.12, but you are using the 1.16 forge mdk. The two are fundamentally not compatible since too many things changed between those version of minecraft, so if you follow a 1.12 tutorial you basically won't be able to even compile your mod. May i suggest you to follow Cadiboo's tutorials instead? The latest version he made a tutorial (unfortunately still work in progress) for is 1.15.2, but most of the code should work fine in 1.16.
  19. Ok this is easy. I see from the imports that you are importing the Logger object from java.util.logging.Logger package. Instead, import the org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger one. I really don't know what could have happened to your project in the first place though
  20. He's not creating item entities, he's creating snowball like thrown entities. Yeah. the thrown entity is represented by is xpball class, but he also wants to generate an item entity in the world, where his projectile hits something. Doesn't the line of code above do that? He just have to retrieve the ItemStack he needs and generate the item entity from it, unless i am missing something..
  21. Try this: run ./gradlew --refresh-dependencies in your project folder. After that run ./gradlew clean and then setup the project again with genEclipseRuns
  22. Can you expand the import block at the top?
  23. Just wanted to see the main class code, which is already generated when you import your project in eclipse. Should be ExampleMod.java
  24. Yes, Journey Map has not updated to 1.16+ yet
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