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    Minecraft :D
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    i <3 Forge

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. as OvermindDL1 already said, there is a NULL object where u try to name, it would be nice to see the code u used, it could be a rename misstake taht u misspelld it
  2. i will add it when i am done with the most, because i rewrite them for the wiki
  3. i add it when i understand the whole tree class from minecraft, because i dont want to add things i dont understand.
  4. i like this textures, i add it to my github tutorial site
  5. added block, block with meta, tool, recipes tutorials
  6. hey everyone, pictures coming soon i give you a first look at my upcoming mod for forge. Cocktails is easy to understand because it is was the name is, it adds Cocktails to the game. Each cocktail adds different potion effects to the player. Cocktails: all cocktails have a random chance to make you have hunger Pina Colada Rum Coconutcreme Pineapple crushed Ice heals instant 1,5 hearts and has a random chance to add overtime heal effect Materials: Rum Zuckerrohr Wasser Molasses created in a Distiller Molasses created in a Extractor(not ic2) as a byproduct of sugar Coconutcreme created in a Extractor(not ic2) a product of coconut crushed Ice created with a IceCrusher Tools IceCrusher used to create crushed Ice out of ice blocks WorldGeneration: Coconut Palm Pineapple greetz helfull
  7. thank you i was a bit to oO to get it .
  8. rly big thanks to JKK i got it now to work i am now 1 step closer to release my mod
  9. hey, i have following problem i want to display how far the progress is come. but i just get 0% and only at the end i get 100% displayed. my code: public int mixTime = 0; // is incremented by 1 every updateEntity() protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer() { this.fontRenderer.drawString("Blender", 60, 6, 4210752); int percentVal = (this.tileBlender.mixTime / 600 * 100); // mixTime / 600 always 0 String percent = percentVal + "%"; this.fontRenderer.drawString(percent, 84, 20, 4210752); this.fontRenderer.drawString(StatCollector.translateToLocal("container.inventory"), 8, this.ySize - 96 + 2, 4210752); } i cant see what is wrong there
  10. first i see is that u preload 2 diffrent textures both are block sprites. can it be that u missplelled in gettexturefile your path? little tip use public static final String blockTxtPath = "YOUR/PATH/HERE"; and in getTextureFile return mod_YOURMODNAME.blockTxtPath; so you just need to write the path 1 time down and prevent misspellings
  11. sounds for me like a render problem and not a loading problem. give us the render part then we can see
  12. hey everyone, Tutorials Twitter: @helfullsTutoria i am going to show and explainyou how to create mods with MinecraftForge. You need to get MCP and MinecraftForge. Installinstructions u can find here: MCP MinecraftForge Once you got Forge you are able to create mods with it since Forge has his own ModLoader. Your base file is the mod_XXX.java file normal it should look like this: package net.minecraft.src; import net.minecraft.src.forge.MinecraftForge; public class mod_XXX extends BaseMod { @Override public String getVersion() { return "YOUR MOD VERSION"; } @Override public void load() { } } All sourcecodes can be found here: https://github.com/Helfull/MinecraftForge-Modding-Tutorial/ Difficulty Easy Medium Hard Advanced List of Contents Creating porperties file Creating a Block Creating a Block with metedata Creating a Item - ​includes ITextureProvider Creating Recipes Creating a Tool Creating item which takes damage when used in recipe //Coming coon Creatinga Tree //Coming soon topic at minecraftforum.net (always up to date) greetz helfull
  13. hey, i am looking for some healp in the same thing like the author. i looked in the ICraftingHandler, but i dont understand how it works do i have to create a ItemTool with this handler implemented? and then make it like: stack.setItemDamage(stack.getItemDamage() - 1); greetz helfull
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