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Everything posted by Colened

  1. Thank you for the information. I will check it out. Meanwhile, I would still like to know how to set custom mapping location for my own curiosity.
  2. Well I am not in the Discord server. Is the spreadsheet available on Forge maven and can it be downloaded through ForgeGradle? If so, what is the latest version?
  3. I am sorry but I am not familiar with ForgeGradle. When you say minecraft invocation do you mean mminecraft { mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: '20200514-1.16' runs { ... } } this section in build.gradle? If yes, how do I change mappings to use files from a custom location?
  4. I am developing a mod in 1.16. I heard that a new mapping system is being developed. Meanwhile I made some changes to .gradle/caches/forge_gradle/maven_downloader/de/oceanlabs/mcp/mcp_snapshot/20200514-1.16/mcp_snapshot-20200514-1.16.zip but it keeps getting overwritten whenever the project is built. Is there something I can do to build.gradle so my changes are not overwritten?
  5. I am currently working with 20200514-1.16 mappings and many methods are yet to be renamed so I am sorry if I am asking for something easy. How do I check if the given world is the overworld so I can attach the capability to the overworld only when AttachCapabilitiesEvent<World> is fired and how do I get the overworld when PlayerEntity is given?
  6. I am little confused with the term world in the context of code. Does it mean each dimension of the entire world? Can a capability attached to world through AttachCapabilitiesEvent<World> be access regardless of a player's current dimension using player.world.getCapability() ? If not, how do I use WorldSavedData in the latest version or achieve global data storage using capability?
  7. I also apologize if I sounded rude. Thank both of you. I guess I either have to try to come up with a quite complicated equation or just stick with trials and errors.
  8. I do know this is related to projectile motion. With trials and errors, I found that a vector of length 1.1 and an angle of 50 degrees almost result in what I want but when I plug those values in v^2 * sin(2 * θ) / g (as noted here) where v = 1.1, θ = 50 / 180 * 3.14 and g = 0.08, its result is larger than how much an entity moves in the game. I wanted to know if there is a specific equation that Minecraft uses or what are the values that Minecraft uses in the projectile motion not to be lectured for physics.
  9. Do you know how the velocity changes over time? I found this table on the wiki but I do not get how to interpret those values.
  10. I want an entity to draw a trajectory and move 5 blocks horizontally and 4 blocks vertically in a direction where a player is looking in the end. I have tried below, but the entity moved further and higher. Vector3d vector = player.getLookVec().normalize().mul(5, 1, 5); entity.setMotion(vector.x, 4, vector.z); How can I derive the motion from desired distance and height?
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