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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. Problem with Mystical Agriculture. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author.
  2. It's a file in the logs folder of your game directory. The file can also be named debug if you have file extensions disabled. If you using CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings.
  3. I think this problem is not related to Forget? You should talk to eclipse why you can not open this file with the built in editor.
  4. Why is your Armor a Entity(Part)? This should be done via a LayerRenderer.
  5. Keep this Forums in english please. Please post a screenshot of your Mods folder.
  6. If i remember correctly vanilla World can be updated without problems, only modded Worlds will get corrupted.
  7. Copy this into your browser and post a screenshot of the page.
  8. This means the version of OptiFine is compatible with the version of Forge you are using? Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  9. If you are talking about MobEffects, you need to use Player#addEffect.
  10. You can try to add -Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug to the jvm arguments of the server. Start the server as you normally would. Post then the debug.log after the server crashed.
  11. The log you post does not contains the error you mention in the title. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  12. You need to override #getEnchantmentValue in your Item class too, the value must be larger than 0. You don't need to override #isBookEnchantable unless the Block should be work similar to the vanilla Book (Enchanted Book).
  13. Make sure you use the latest version of Flywheel for 1.18.2, if you already use the latest version talk to the Mod author.
  14. You call #addTracker in #mobInteract client side, you need to check if your not on client: if (!this.level.isClientSide) { // your code } The methods are used to store the data on disk, not sending them through the network
  15. Are you sure PlayerEvent.BreakSpeed cause the error?
  16. Unfortunately yes, if you wish to have an easy way to check this feel free to make a PR to Forge. I think a custom EntityType Tag would be find for that.
  17. Please post debug.log from the logs folder (with all Mods loading a new World). I guess some of your Mods add world generation features, this means the World you created already contains the Features of the Mods. If you now try to load this World without these Mods it will crash. The world got corrupted, you can try to rescue by using the Mods you used when creating the World and hope it work.
  18. The health bar at the top of the screen is handled via a ServerBossEvent in the Entity class but unfortunately there is no way to check if a Entity has one or not. What did you try to achieve? why do you need to know if an Entity is a Boss? Depending on your own opinion, the following entities can be considered bosses: Ender Dragon, Wither, Elder Guardian and Warden
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