Ive been browsing the web for solutions as when I try to run gradlew genIntellijRuns, it states it cannot find a specific file in a folder called in Bundled_repo I checked the supposed location of this file but could not find the folders it should be contained in, which are bundeled_repo/net. I deleted the chache and ran it again but it did not fix the issue.
Just because I dont know Java doesnt mean I cant make a Mod. Making a mod has taught me alot of things about Java. Yea, I cant make a good mod, but thats not what im aiming for. This was supposed to be a fun little experiment to see what Java modding is like. Im not trying to make a job out of modding so dont be such a purist.
I have tried, im out of ideas
I know a little Java, but let me guess, ur gonna say Im not allowed to Mod until have 5 years of experience in Java and know how to do everything
I want to allow the player to fly when they drink somthing, however, typing playerEntity.capabilities.alowFlying = true; gives an error saying capabilities part says private acces. Do I need an acces transformer or am I doing somthing wrong?