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  1. If I am correct, the world height is set via the world file format(Anvil) and has a max build height of 256, but I could be wrong. So, I would assume if you wanted to change it then you'd have to a modify the Anvil file format, or b create your own file format and try to make it compatible with the vanilla Minecraft file format.
  2. I don't know what you mean, but this.biome.getRandomWorldGenForTrees(this.randomGenerator) leads to net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase.getRandomWorldGenForTrees(Random par1Random)
  3. Just a small update. It does the same thing when using the vanilla Minecraft biome decorator.
  4. After stepping into the break point it led to this part of MysticBiomeGenBase.java: and here is MysticWorldGenTrees.java: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5585309/
  5. Hello. I have created a new dimension, but when I try to travel to it I get an error. Please help and thanks in advance. Error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5585271/ MysticBiomeDecorator.java: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5585279/
  6. This may not be needed, but for my creative tab I had to also add another method, which is as follows. LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization("itemGroup.TabName", "en_US", "Name Displayed In-game");
  7. Thanks! I just wanted to make sure it wasn't my fault.
  8. I recently made my own dimension and there are random dark spots around the world, but when I build on them or destroy a block that has black on it all the black disappears. My question is, is this a problem with my dimension or is it a problem with minecraft itself?
  9. Thanks! It's not really the approach I wanted to take, but it works and I can handle not getting my way once
  10. I could sit here and type out an explanation for how you could achieve this, but I decided that I'd just google for an example/tutorial. From my search I found an open source mod that added a new dimension called "Inverted World" and I think you should study what the developer of it did and experiment yourself with it possibly. Here is the link https://github.com/tuyapin/InvertedWorld . Now I'm not saying to take the mod and call it your own, but take advantage of it being open source and study it.
  11. I've debugged with eclipse and the dimensionID is 2.
  12. Here it is public static int dimensionID = DimensionManager.getNextFreeDimId();
  13. Well, I updated the method to be server side and it still sends me to the nether instead of my dimension. Here is my updated code:
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