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    Quite new to the Modding World

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Modded Minecraft tutorials in 60 seconds! Check out the playlist here. Modder? Hit me up if you'd like quick, snappy tutorials of blocks, items, or any concepts of your mod!
  2. This works for me: @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void addInformation(ItemStack par1ItemStack, EntityPlayer par2EntityPlayer, List par3List, boolean par4) { par3List.add("Line I"); par3List.add("Line II"); }
  3. Bump! Sorry about these, but I'm pretty stumped as to what is happening with this. Can someone please help? Thanks.
  4. I'm working on a machine (called the Glowstone Infuser) that stores an amount of 'glowFuel'. When an item is added to a slot, it removes that item and adds to the 'glowFuel'. There is supposed to be a bar to show how much there is on it. However, my code for that doesn't work. It definitely adds the 'glowFuel', as I tested that with a "print" function (and the machine also processes items), so it is the GUI that is the problem. Also, while we're on the subject, how do I make it so that when the mouse is hovered over the bar it shows how much fuel is in the machine (sort of like an Item tooltip)? I've been studying a bit of BuildCraft, but it seems complicated. Is there a fairly easy way or am I going to have to make a whole lot of classes and code? [move][glow=yellow,2,300]Thank you![/glow][/move] Links: GitHub GitHub Issue Glowstone Infuser's GUI Glowstone Infuser's TileEntity
  5. For the last one, registerEntityEgg is not a built-in method. Anyway, if it was, you would need to reference it with its class name since it's in another class.
  6. Instead of referencing your AchievementHelper and others in your @Init or @PostInit, do it in the @PreInit.
  7. Where you set your item instance: itemKnife = new ItemKnife(6000).setUnlocalizedName("knife") you add .setContainerItem(itemKnife) so it becomes itemKnife = new ItemKnife(6000).setContainerItem(itemKnife).setUnlocalizedName("knife").
  8. No, you have a method which sets a boolean to true, and when you exit, it will save the boolean to NBT, and when you enter, it will read it from NBT.
  9. Basically, NBT is a thing that Notch made to save states of things, if I'm not mistaken. Lots of things use it, like Furnaces. I can't really explain it much further. But has your mob class extended EntityTameable? I think that does it for you.
  10. The way you get Cocoa Beans is: new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder, 1, 3)
  11. Use an NBT Tag. I think this should work: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/432625b0
  12. I'm creating a mod called GlowTools, and I'm working on a machine. At the moment it works fine, except when it changes state from idle to active it throws some items out of itself into the World, and takes ghost blocks in their places. Any help will be much appreciated! GitHub: https://github.com/ZL123/GlowTools TileEntity: https://github.com/ZL123/GlowTools/blob/master/glowTools_common/glowTools/tileentity/TileEntityGsInfuser.java More Details in GitHub Issue: https://github.com/ZL123/GlowTools/issues/2
  13. Before compiling the mod, it would be in mcp/jars/config. After compiling the mod and adding it to a regular Minecraft, it would be in .minecraft/config.
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