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Posts posted by Huntpor

  1. I am able to Generate new Blocks and Items into my very simple mod ( just has Copper Ore ) while I learn. When it comes to those items I am able to generate the texture just fine, but I get a little stuck how how to allow the new blocks to generate their own item. Is Loot tables the correct thing? or should I be looking for something else? Don't even know where to begin, so details would be helpful. 


    Thank you in advice. 


  2. Hello all, 

    I am fairly new to the whole modding for Minecraft and I I’m stuck spend about 5 hours researching where to go, how to use loot Tables, but I’m still a little stuck. I’ve created two blocks in my mod, but when I break them I’m getting no item. I know I have to use Lott Tables. Does anyone know where or could show me the best way to create / start off the generation for Loot Table? Like I’m I just using .json files out of the loot_table folder, or is there Java somewhere that can point me in the correct location? Anything will help at this point. Would love some pointers. 

    thank you, 



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