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Everything posted by Lomeli12

  1. Example from my work in progress mod: https://github.com/Lomeli12/Augmented-Accessories/blob/f6cb6299dff374060ca0b3131c40db614be562b4/src/main/java/net/lomeli/augment/blocks/tiles/TileRingForge.java
  2. TileEntityForge tile = new TileEntityForge(); Why are you making a brand new instance instead of getting the block's actual tile entity? >< TileEntityForge blockTile = (TileEntityForge) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); Also, I why are you checking in your block added section instead of the checkMultiBlockForm from the tile (assuming you're using the tutorial). Judging by your code, you want your block to be surrounded by stone. If you followed the tutorial, all you would have to do to check if it formed was change that method to the following: public boolean checkMultiBlockForm() { int i = 0; // Scan a 3x3x3 area, starting with the bottom left corner for (int x = xCoord - 1; x < xCoord + 2; x++) for (int y = yCoord -1; y < yCoord + 2; y++) for (int z = zCoord - 1; z < zCoord + 2; z++) { if (world.getBlock(x, y, z) == Blocks.stone) i++; } return i == 26; } This would allow your block to constantly check around itself to make sure it's surrounded by stone. Edit: Since you guys seem to have trouble grasping how this simple implementation works. I made an example mod that adds two types of multiblock blocks. The 1st requires you make a 3x3x3 structure with a hollow center using the block and it'll spawn a diamond block 6 blocks above the master. The 2nd require you surround it with stone and will turn said stone into diamonds once it sees that the structure is formed. https://github.com/Lomeli12/MultiBlock-Tutorial
  3. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,20755.msg105330.html#msg105330
  4. Opps, another derp on my part, cast the tiles as instanceof of TileMultiBlock (or whatever you named your class)
  5. public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) { if (!world.isRemote && !player.isSneaking()) { TileMultiBlock tile = (TileMultiBlock) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if (tile != null) { if (tile.hasMaster()) { if (tile.isMaster()) player.openGui(Mod.instance, 99, world, x, y, z); else player.openGui(Mod.instance, 99, world, tile.getMasterX(), tile.getMasterY(), tile.getMasterZ()); return true; } } } return false; } Replace the values accordingly.
  6. In the checkMultiBlockForm method in the Tile Entity. ATM, the way the tutorial is written, it checks for blocks that have the same tile entity (so if you want all your multiblocks to be made of the same block, the tutorial has it already set up). If you want to check for specific blocks, you'd have to do that manually, and change setupStructure method accordingly.
  7. Just have your Block class either extend BlockContainer (instead of simply Block) or implement ITileEntityProvider. It'll generate a method called createNewTileEntity, which should be as such: public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World world, int meta) { return new TileMultiBlock(); //or whatever you name your tile entity class } Also remember to register your TileEntity, or else it will not work //Recommend doing this somewhere in your FMLInitializationEvent. GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileMultiBlock.class, "modmod.tilemultiblock");
  8. Guy who wrote the tutorial here. Just finished fixing some errors in it. What don't you seem to get?
  9. Don't add arguments to your event, you should only need the event itself. If you need the player or the world, check the event as it might have an instance of at least the player. Also use the @SubscribeEvent annotation on the method and register the event. pahimar has a good example for a simple packet handler: https://github.com/pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3/tree/master/src/main/java/com/pahimar/ee3/network
  10. Um...why don't you use new ItemStack(Items.dye, 1, x) were x is the metadata value of the dye you want. Or use OreDictionary names and use "dyeColor" (ex "dyeRed", "dyeBlue", etc)
  11. I'm assuming you mean on compile. You have two options really. One is to have it download the library from a repository, which requires editing your build.gradle like so: repositories { ivy { name 'NameForYourLibrarysRepository' artifactPattern "http://www.someurl.com/lib/[module][revision].[ext]" } } // name corresponds to module, version corresponds to revision, and ext...that's self explanatory dependencies { compile name: 'YourLibrary', version: 'LibraryVersion1.0', ext: 'jar' } Or the easier way would be just to make a folder called libs where your build.gradle is and drop all your libraries in there. =P
  12. gradlew setupdecompworkspace Use that instead of setupdevworkspace so it attaches Minecraft's source to your project.
  13. // From iChunUtil @SubscribeEvent public void renderTick(TickEvent.RenderTickEvent event) { if(event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.END) { if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen instanceof GuiOptions) { //or whatever screen you want to add the button to GuiOptions gui = (GuiOptions)Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen; // Draw your buttons here using the gui } } } https://github.com/iChun/iChunUtil/blob/master/src/main/java/ichun/client/core/TickHandlerClient.java
  14. Not sure if too late, but I made this tutorial fairly recently http://anthony-lomeli.net/tutorials/tutorial-how-to-make-a-simple-multiblock-structure Edit: Looking up, I ironically wrote it the day this thread was posted =P
  15. In your model class make one render method for your regular parts and other for the parts you want transparent. Then when you rendering your model, do as follows. GL11.glPushMatrix(); model.renderRegularParts(); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GL11.glColor4f(1F, 1F, 1F, 0.75F); // 25% transparent model.renderTransparentParts(); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glColor4f(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f); GL11.glPopMatrix();
  16. Alpha 0.0.8 and 0.0.9 are gonna take quite some time to come out, since I want to add a ton of content (specifically on the science half, since I've been kinda neglecting it) to those and make the Beta 0.1.0 update to just be bug fixes and optimization. I hope 0.0.7 will hold your excitement, but there isn't too much so I won't be surprised if some of you get bored quickly. Note: If you want to make a mod review, please hold on a bit till Beta 0.1.0. What you can do is make a brief video touching upon it just to get the news out, but don't do a full on review just yet. Alpha 0.0.7 released Worked a bit more on the API for an upcoming feature in the mod Added the Piras Oven multiblock structure. It doubles the output of whatever you're smelting with a small chance of tripling your output. The chance of this can be increased via special upgrades Wands now have a use in creating the Piras Oven and Piras Varinha Added new blocks to build with, and in my opinion they look nice.
  17. Alpha 0.0.8 and 0.0.9 are gonna take quite some time to come out, since I want to add a ton of content (specifically on the science half, since I've been kinda neglecting it) to those and make the Beta 0.1.0 update to just be bug fixes and optimization. I hope 0.0.7 will hold your excitement, but there isn't too much so I won't be surprised if some of you get bored quickly. Note: If you want to make a mod review, please hold on a bit till Beta 0.1.0. What you can do is make a brief video touching upon it just to get the news out, but don't do a full on review just yet. Alpha 0.0.7 released Worked a bit more on the API for an upcoming feature in the mod Added the Piras Oven multiblock structure. It doubles the output of whatever you're smelting with a small chance of tripling your output. The chance of this can be increased via special upgrades Wands now have a use in creating the Piras Oven and Piras Varinha Added new blocks to build with, and in my opinion they look nice.
  18. This seems rather useful. Will use once it's updated =P
  19. This seems rather useful. Will use once it's updated =P
  20. Alpha 0.0.6 released Worked a bit on the API, now you can use items and blocks from the mod in your own recipes Added some wands, though there aren't many uses for them yet. "RPG's Sword" has a texture, is renamed Sir Spencer's Blade, and is now functional, though I haven't added a recipe yet. Mancery Stone and Glass have an even higher blast resistance Piras Varinha has been changed
  21. Again, incomplete, I'm trying not to added too much to the wiki while I work on the mod. What I'll do is add a little bit each time or whenever I made considerable progress to the mod.
  22. I'll put up a wiki soon on how to use the mod, but I'm hesitant as it is still early in development, and thus the concepts could change at any time (such as right now, I have an idea to two types of Mist, Positie and Escuro) Edit: Created a wiki, though it's incomplete.
  23. Alpha 0.0.5 released as well as a still in development API Mancery Block now renamed Mancery Stone and the flying ring is now ShadowWing's Gale Kinetic Generator is now pretty much 90% done. Just need to fix up the GUI a bit and finish a certain feature. Solar Mist Collectors are also pretty much done, just need to fix up the GUI All magic items can be recharged with the Kinetic Generator and Solar Mist Collectors Added recipe for Solar Mist Collectors You now need to use a new item, Dark Matter, to activate the multiblock and get the Kinetic Generator Kinetic Generator now only leaves behind a single Mancery Stone when broken Added Dark Matter, Deprived Glowstone, and Light Hungry Plate Added a API to get some community assistance (it's under greater development)
  24. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17430088/Minecraft%20Mods/Magiks/bannerbig.png[/img] Description In a world of magic vs machine, you have learned to completely intertwine magic and science in a new form: MechroMagik. Using this new form of magik, you will use the cold sheer power of science to amplify your magik and build yourself up as a Miner of magic and science. Alpha 0.0.8 and 0.0.9 are gonna take quite some time to come out, since I want to add a ton of content (specifically on the science half, since I've been kinda neglecting it) to those and make the Beta 0.1.0 update to just be bug fixes and optimization. I hope 0.0.7 will hold your excitement, but there isn't too much so I won't be surprised if some of you get bored quickly. Note: If you want to make a mod review, please hold on a bit till Beta 0.1.0. What you can do is make a brief video touching upon it just to get the news out, but don't do a full on review just yet. For the sake of fun, I will only tell you in what each item/block does. You'll have to find out the recipes on your own (*cough* TMI/NEI *cough*). After each update, I will reveal the recipes added/changed from the previous. Current Build: Alpha 0.0.7 What's done right now: Worked a bit more on the API for an upcoming feature in the mod Added the Piras Oven multiblock structure. It doubles the output of whatever you're smelting with a small chance of tripling your output. The chance of this can be increased via special upgrades Wands now have a use in creating the Piras Oven and Piras Varinha Added new blocks to build with, and in my opinion they look nice. Previous Builds Download the Alpha Builds: Downloads now on the wiki! http://mechromagik.wikispaces.com/ Requires Forge or higher: http://files.minecraftforge.net/ Get your hands on the source: https://github.com/Lomeli12/MechroMagiks As with all my mods, this mod is licensed under the GNU General Lesser Public License 3. Basically, do whatever you want with the mod and it's source, just remember to link back to this page.
  25. I am requesting modder status. I am the author of the Diving Gear mod (more info about that mod here), part time maintainer of the Elemental Creepers mod (again, more info about the mod here and my involvement here), and will be releasing something else sometime this month. I'd also like to request a subforum. Since the subforum is of no mod in particular, you may simply put "Lomeli's Mods" or something along those lines, really up to you.
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