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Everything posted by SoundsFine

  1. I'm trying to make a mod that does this. . . I can't find a way to access armor slots when the main inventory isn't open. There might be people here who can help with modding as this is the modder help forum.
  2. For example, if I'm in a chest is it possible to access the armor slots and move the armor from on me directly to the chest or to my cursor? The only slots I've been able to access while in an inventory are the slots of that inventory, so is there another slot id that can access armor? Thanks for any help.
  3. Thanks! For anyone wondering Screen#sendMessage uses NewChatGui#addRecentChat which adds text to the up-arrow complete.
  4. When using ClientChatEvent you have the option to cancel the message or change the sent message, but both of these also change the the message history of that message to either nothing or whatever the new message is, so is there a way to edit the message history manually after the fact or just cancel the message from being sent but keeping the message in your history? I'm trying to implement some sort of rudimentary command system that doesn't use /, but not having the command easily accessible by pressing up makes the commands annoying to use. Thanks for any help!
  5. If you're implying it was a hacked client it wasn't. It was (meant) to be a PVP client like Lunar or BLC, but it never got close to completion XD
  6. I was decompiling a mod and found this, this.mc.func_147114_u().func_147298_b().func_179290_a((Packet)new C07PacketPlayerDigging(C07PacketPlayerDigging.Action.START_DESTROY_BLOCK, new BlockPos(currPoint.func_177958_n(), currPoint.func_177956_o(), currPoint.func_177952_p()), EnumFacing.UP)); I'm wondering where I can find the code for the func_xxxxx and C07PacketPlayerDigging. A while ago I was working on an MCP client and I found where the func_xxxxx's were, but now I can't find them. Thanks for any help!
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