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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Buttons are a sublcass of Widget. If you took ten seconds looking at that class you'd find the method you need to override.
  2. a lambda taking no parameters*
  3. Stop using MCreator. It is garbage software made by people who don't know what they're doing. We support Forge here, not MCreator.
  4. I literally haven't messed with it since 1.10, but assuming that the way to hook in hasn't changed (HA! I highly doubt this, but its worth a shot): https://github.com/Draco18s/HarderStuff/blob/master/src/main/java/com/draco18s/ores/recipes/WailaIntegration.java https://github.com/Draco18s/HarderStuff/blob/master/src/main/java/com/draco18s/ores/recipes/waila/WailaWindmillProvider.java
  5. Not with the default Button, no. You would need your own button subclass and override the relevant method(s)
  6. Have you confirmed that it is being called? is the question, not where are YOU calling it? Have you verified that your code, is in fact, being executed. Use a breakpoint and the debugger.
  7. (or you can do bus=Bus.FORGE, but there's only two busses, and the Forge bus is the default bus). Bus.Mod is for lifecycle events (FMLPreInit, Registry, etc)
  8. This: https://github.com/Awsomekeldeo/TechMod/blob/forge-support/src/main/java/awsome/techmod/tileentity/KilnTileEntity.java#L135 Is only capable of returning a single recipe. My guess is that whatever it does, it only cares about the first slot.
  9. You mean this: Its an event handler. You don't call it. It's called automatically.
  10. I haven't messed with it myself, but I know I've seen threads from other people doing it.
  11. Yes It puts text on the button so that the button has the text "text" No, but if you want no functionality, leave the function empty.
  12. I do not believe that it is supported.
  13. Rather than parsing the json file, why not request it from the IBakedModel?
  14. You need to install git. Or if you want to be lazy and use a GUI program, there are several. GitHub offers their own (its really bad) or there's SourceTree and several others. Googling "git GUI" brings up multiple results for lists of gui-based git applications.
  15. Your toml file is invalid. Learn to read your errors.
  16. net.minecraft.client.renderer.model.ItemModelGenerator I found that by thinking to myself "hmm, I wonder where Minecraft does render things. Oh yes, on the client, hey a package called renderer, and inside that one called model!" and then browsed the classes there.
  17. If you don't want to read the documentation, that's fine. But no one's going to help you if you can't be bothered.
  18. This is useless. Give us the whole error. Mod programming is not like starting a regular Java application. There's already a static void main(string[] args) magic method that is already set up for you, this one of yours is useless.
  19. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/1.15.x/datastorage/capabilities/
  20. Probably just needed to run the Clean task.
  21. Capabilities.
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